Monday, January 26, 2009

"Not Me!" Monday

It is "Not Me!" Monday and I am following MckMama's lead and posting the things I DID NOT DO this week.

Actually either I have blocked out most of last week, or I had a good week. I really have not much to share.

I did not lose it and tell catcher dude I will not be supporting his horrible habit from here on out. That his baseball days are finished. I would not do that. Are you kidding me?

School certainly DID NOT give us a heads up about important testing THE DAY OF. No! They would not do that. They certainly are better organized than that. So I certainly DID NOT tell the 8th grade Principal that his communication skills sucked lacked that of a professional. That I certainly would NOT be calling the district to let them know what a great horrible job not only his floor but all 3 grade level floors were doing.

Friday during my time up at the middle school, I did not once feel like slapping the shit stuffings out of the entire 8th grade class. No. No Me! I am not sure what barn most of these children crawled out of Friday, but they had better crawled back in this weekend and different, more well behaved children came back out. Some peoples children! I swear!

I once again did not hide the fact I once again ate Catcher Dudes food. I mean come on? Why leave it out like that? Why tempt the gods? Come on? I am a good mommy and certainly would not eat his food.


Baseball Mom
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1 comment:

Gary's third pottery blog said...

snowy huh? that stuff is on its way towards us, darnit....