Monday, January 30, 2006

State of shock

My mother called tonight. My moms hubby's (my stepdad) work is closing in June. They offered him and 9 others jobs in another state!! Oy!!

What a shocker. I can not imagine her being gone. What is more surprising .. it could have been us. Up until 17 months ago my DH worked in same place.

Another shocker .. 2 of the other 9 people ... are my mil and her hubby. Yeppers. Hubby's mother and his step-dad work at same place and was also offered a job in Florida!!

Crazy man ... crazy!!

Should turn out to be interesting 2 weeks.

too be continued.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Ring the tooth fairy

Kid lost first molar tooth tonight. It bled for a while, but that was due to it getting caught, tangled, whatever .. up in his braces. Oy!! But it is out .. and babyhood is growing dimmer.

Kid is SUPPOSE to be working on a state report for school. His state is Nevada. Darling Dana/hiplvmom2 was so kind to send a wonderful packet about the nice state. But has *butthead* I mean kid started? Nah!! Let's just bug the crap outta mom and wait until last minute.

P/T/S meeting are tomorrow. So we will see how his grades are else wise.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Mom, how many overies do you have?

Is what I am hearing across Wal-greens.

Dang! Science Unit!! Kid picks a very public place to announce his new "learns" today.

Then loudly ...

kid: "Mom, do you have eggs?" (As I am checking out at the counter and male kid cashier looks up)

Me: "Sure, a whole dozen at home." (trying to get us out of the very public place kid has picked to start converstation .. )

Kid: "No, you!! Do you still have eggs left in your overies .." (Now cashier is really looking ..)

I got a whole lesson on the way home about "cycles" and "eggs" and "tubes" ...

I just do not remember having science units in school like this when I was in school. I do not remember boys learning girl "things" (cycles, parts, etc) and vice versa. I do remember watching movie .. boys in one room .. girls in another. But I certainly do not remember what all Oy!! What doesn't kill us .. makes us stronger. :)

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Dora ..

*G* mom's boyfriends mom passed on really good Dora tickets for Saturday night. I was not looking forward to taking her. The "she-Devil" she is. But she was actually very well behaved. It was a good time. We had our own parking place. That was actually right in front of the door, so we didn't have a long walk at all. The seats were very nice. I wish I had taken my "good" camera, and taken pictures. But oh well .. once again I let myself talk me out of bring it. I brought a click and drop one. We will see how well they turn out.

Daddy took kid to see "Dick and Jane" I was happy he spent some time with him. He doesn't do it very often. But boys will be boys.

*G* spent Thursday Night, Friday Night, and Saturday Night.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

How Weird Are You?

You Are 30% Weird
Not enough to scare other people...

But sometimes you scare yourself.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Total Rambling Tuesday


today was

today was a

today was a waste.

i really need to start having a goal for each day. i do not seem to be getting anything done. i did mange to do a load of laundry, and dishes. haven't any energy. i did make kids orthodontist appointment, husbands dentist appointment, my orthopedic appointment. i am finally breaking done and having knees looked at. but no surgery!! i will not give into that. boys went to hockey game tonight. of course they lost. bad year to have season tickets. oh well. they had a good time. tomorrow i will call about booking another class. sounds like fun. least evening out.

school has started the "health" unit at school. i am not sure i am really ready for all that. i do not remember boys learning female parts and girls learning boy parts when i was in school. i was shocked to see kid sitting there tonight looking at all the female parts ... oh okay ... so questions??? nothing yet. we will see. i am not making a issue out of this in front of kid. though i am going to read his packet when he goes to bed tonight. i should have done while at hockey game. oh well.

well window in tonight was a lil boring.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Lost 187 minutes of my life ....

I took son and 2 friends to see this today. OH MY!! The first 65 minutes was the L --- O --- N --- G --- E --- S --- T 65 minutes of my life it seemed. I never seen the first Kong movie, and now I know why. Don't get me wrong .. it was okay , but not my first choice.

The upside ... I was able to make 3 very happy boys. So in the end .. 187 minutes worth of pain.

Tonight I did another page .....

It was fun. I am getting more comfortable. Still not to sure .. but I am sure it will get there. Take a long time. But I am having fun.

So it was a fun MLK day. Tomorrow back to the grind. Not sure what this week will bring.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Goals for 1/16-20

Well I really didn't do well with the past week (01/9-13/06). Only three completed. Shame on me!! I must do better. So making new goals this week and hope I can do better than 3 out of 8.

Goals for 1/16-20

Ok. So our goals didn't go as planned last week. But *dust* that off and move on. So goals this week are ...

  • Get Tree down out of kid room
  • Get Manger a home (box, etc) and get gently placed away.
  • Closet downstairs cleaned out
  • Ornaments off big tree
  • Dust Living Room

Well There it is. Let's see where we get.

1st Scrapbook page

hopefully first of many.  I am not as happy with it as I would have liked to been.  But I also am my worst judge.



So we will see.  I need to get more stuff to be able to scrap at home. 

Friday, January 13, 2006

13th on Friday the 13th.

I can not believe I have been married for 13 years. Where does the time go? Then again .. I am almost a mom to a 11 year old. YIKES!!

We had a very nice anniversary. Wish I wasn't so tired. But it was still good. We went to one of my favorite places to eat, Pietro's. They have really good homemade Fine Italian Food. We first went there when DH's cousin graduated high school in 2004. I fell in love with this Chicken dish they have. Chicken Ala Pietro. A Boneless Breast of chicken in a white wine and fresh mushroom sauce.

I told DH I would love to go there for our 12th Anniversary. Well I guess now we have a tradition. We have went now 2 years in a row.

I had the chicken again for dinner with a side salad and red sauce pasta. DH had the Chicken Parmigiana with two potato's for side. For our Appetizers we had Toasted Ravioli that we shared & each had a Cannelloni. I think next year I will have the salad and potato. I ended up bringing pasta home to kid. Plus I brough home half my chicken, as did DH. That is just a lot of food.

We ended up not doing anything else, as I am beat!! But dinner was nice.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday


Today I am

5 years old.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Proud night

I went to my scrapbook class. I was so nervous when I was leaving. I donno why????? But I got there, and I was so thrilled. I almost have the first two pages finished. :-) I am so glad I decided to do this. I can not wait to start scrapping more pages.

I am sure it is a little rough around edges, but a proud moment for me. :-)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Tutor, Tutor, tutor

Okay so we were suppose to get a new Speech/Language teacher for the kid after the winter break. Well it ended up same teacher, just different building. I must say that even though kid is much happier at new school we chose this school year. The speech/language program is worse. I think next school year we are going to make some changes.

She just doesn't seem to be helping. Though everyone seems to think they know better. But again, mom knows best. I have been dealing with kids delay since age two. So I thinik I would know what isn't working.

I was hoping for a different person after the break. See if we could get another view. Oh well. Just another thing to "just get through the year" about. We are getting good at that.

Until then, I have started researching things to help kid myself.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

To Many Tests.. Ugh!!

The kid has had nothing but tests all week. It is hard trying to study for them nightly. Today was State & Capitols test. Wednesday another test. Then Thursday is Math & Spelling. Friday Skeletal System. Why??? Do we have to have so many in one week, and only get the study guides 1-2 nights ahead. Crazy!!

Kid was prepared for the States test. But all the others. Who knows???

Homeschooling is looking better all the time. DH has finally cut back on all the OT. Nice to have him home a little longer. Though my schedule isn't keeping me home in evening much this week. Kid had basketball practice tonight.

On the scrapbook front - Still have to pick the pictures for the class on Thursday. I can not wait!! I have almost all my million pictures together now and in piles. Man!! I have a lot of pictures. :-) Well to quote the big bad wolf .... "The better scrap you my dear."

Sunday, January 8, 2006

Goals This week

I am going to try making goals for a week and see if I can manage to complete them.

Goals for 1/9/06 - 1/13/06

  • Christmas Tree down and packed away
  • Manger packed away
  • Kid started on State Project
  • Class paid for
  • 1 scrap book page completed. :o)
  • Bedroom closet cleaned out
  • Basement Closet cleaned out
  • Say 1 nice thing to kids teacher

Okay let's see where I get on this.

Bold is completed tasks.

Saturday, January 7, 2006

Shot on Goal

Is about all I can say about kids adventure tonight in his first Official league Basketball game. Yikes!! These poor boys are out of their league. They had fun though. They lost 38-9. Oh well. They will get better. Practice is Tuesday, I am sure they will work things. But it really doesn't help that parents "demand" their children be place on the team, and then do not make an effort to bring them to practices and/or games. How is the poor coach suppose to plan? Coach? Get them all on same page? When you have those that can not keep a Commitment.

Kid had a birthday party to go to today. Man! What is with everyone and this FLOAM seems like almost every child got this child floam. No thank you. I will make sure I keep them off the party list come kids birthday. :-) That would just make a mess upon messes. I hardly doubt it even works. Oh well. I guess it is one of those gifts you buy for other peoples kids.

My plans were to finally get things back in order from Christmas, ha!! Fat chance in that. I will get done .. It will get done .. Maybe I say this enough it will happen. Good thing tree is out of sight, and people can not see that it is still up. ha ha ha ha. I think I will make a goal list for this week, and add that to it.

Friday, January 6, 2006


Alright! So I got CDD to get the Ab Lounge apart. Returned with no hassles. I could not believe that one. I could have fainted away. As we seem to always have issues with returns.

So I had the $ back and what to do with it. Then I decided. I have always wanted to start scrapbooking. I have 13+ years of pictures to do so. A couple years ago DH bought me a really nice camera to take better pictures. Why not take the plunge. I will take on my fears .. and being over whelmed ... and another new goal for 2006. SCRAPBOOK!!

So I went to a scrapbook store close to my house. Got a hold of the nicest lady who walked me through my steps. I have not made a purchase, but close. She really was helpful. Plus others I have talk to I am really excited and taking this progect on.

I am going back to sign up for a Beginners Scrapbooking Class on 12-Jan. I am really excited. My first baby steps are to :

  1. Get out the tote I store all these pictures I snap all the time.
  2. Organize.
  3. Put in piles.
  4. Pick out set for class

I am really excited and I can not wait. I hope all goes well.

Thursday, January 5, 2006

Someday We'll Laugh About This Week!

The kid started doing writing prompt's at school this week, and that was the title of today's writing prompt. I really liked it. Caught my eye ... the paper reads as follows:

Prompt: Did you know that it usually takes less than a
week for people to break 9 out of 10 of their New Year's resolutions? Most people laugh at themselves when they do. Jot down a humorous story about yourself, and share a good laugh with a friend!

Got me thinking about a lot of different stories that at the time was not funny, but now I giggle. But actually today something happened that I giggled with kid over dinner. (but trust me was not laughing earlier when it happen)

Today I was in such a rush to pick up kid today from school, mind going 100 different places, and I dropped of niece which I had all day, and the headed over to pick kid before he got out of school and didn't think I would be there. I get there plenty of time. I see another mother I wanted to speak to about a "issue" that came up in class this week. So I get out go speak to her, kept looking back a truck to make sure niece is alright (ha ha do you see where this is headed) and finish up conversation. Kid comes out, he realizes he forgot SS book and wants me to take stuff back to truck and he will be right out. I hurry back to truck, look in backseat to see if niece is there and I don't see her. OMG!! Where is she?? Not in her car seat, not in back, not in front. By now I am in a state of panic!! I lost my neice!! Oh how do I explain this one!! I start looking around parking lot and then it hits me. DOH!! I dropped her off before I came to pick up kid. ha ha ha. Oh My!! I am so losing it!!

ha ha. I really need to stop multi-tasking.

Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Baseball Mom Needs....

game time...saw this game on chatterbugs blog and thought i'd give it a try. Just google your name plus "needs", (eg. " Baseball Mom needs"), then record search results. Sounds like fun! here's my list:
  1. Baseball Mom needs a Bicycle Master Plan.
  2. Baseball Mom Needs Windows Development Managers.
  3. Baseball Mom Needs A Homeless Initiative Secretary.
  4. Baseball Mom needs a job.
  5. Baseball Mom needs another dress washed!
  6. Baseball Mom needs a permanent family who will be involved in her therapy.
That was funny!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Tivo good or bad, there it is. :-)

I hardly watched TV shows on a regular bases until Tivo. Now I am involved in so many. We are hooked on the Law & Orders now. CI seems to be our favorite. Then SUV. Kid hooked us on Criminal Minds.

Next thing I know kid has us watch CSI. I just can not believe that I watch so many now, when before Tivo ... hardly watched anything. :-) So school is back in session. Back to same ol' same. Basketball practice was tonight. Still not feeling well. I am sure will bounce back soon. I got the Ab Lounge for Christmas like I asked. :-)

But with the knee troubles I have been having, it is just killing me. So I decided today to give it back. Get something else. So hoping DH gets it taken apart and back to store tomorrow. So still trying to get a grasp on the blog life that is it for tonight. :-)

Monday, January 2, 2006

Second day of January ...

... started with the blaring of Tornado sirens.

luckily things were okay. just warnings. heavy winds and rain came through.what a way to be woke up at 4 in the morning in january no less. day isn't starting out any more different than it has all winter break. which ends today. apparently the public schools went back today. kid goes back tomorrow.

kid actually wanted to go back today to visit old teachers. really was nervous as to what to expect. all went down without a hitch!! which i was happy. kid was happy. All was right. helped that wicked witch of the west was out on her broom.

kid has game tonight. (baseketball) i personally would rather put the pj's back on and stay in, but a mommy has her jobs. well the game did not go so well. losing again, but having fun doing so. tonight should be really fun (NOT) trying to get kid of to la-la-land.

tomorrow is back to grind of things. no more vacation, laying around, enjoying the company of the kid. oh well nice while it lasted. just count down to when he is off again.

Sunday, January 1, 2006

Happy New Years

Well I decided to Ring in 2006 with a new blog site. So being new to this, I hope I don't just ramble on and on. :)

Today 2006 was rung in by the family doing nothing. DS and I laid on couch watching Disney Channel's Suite Life of Zack and Cody. Also Law & Orders. DS starting this year with complaints of tummy aches once again. :( I hope this is not signs of things to come.

DH slept most of the day. But then again he once again was to be at work by 8 PM. I guess going to be yet again another busy year in the printing business. But that keeps roof over over head, food on our table, me at home to care for our boy. ;-)

My sinuses of course are acting up. Well I suppose that is all for 1 Jan 2006. Let's see what the next 364 days bring to us. :o)

Happy 2006!!