Friday, November 30, 2007

A year? Already?

Nov 30, 2006

It will be a year ago tonight when the lights when out in Georgia the city. The big ice storm hit here. Branches falling taking out back half (kids room) of house.

As luck would have it, they are calling for rain/sleet later into the evening. I am very concerned that a repeat is coming. Now I am not a total fool. I know the trees have all since been removed and there isn't anything left back there to fall. Well but if I really look the neighbors tree has a branch that could in fact break off and just slightly either clip the electric line or just slightly miss it. Then there is the tree in front. So it is a good fact it could take out the front of house. This time my bedroom and in fact me. My bed is on that wall of the house thank you.

So I really should not be worrying about the date. But tell that to my inner voice.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Margie's Carmel Pecan Rolls

Margie's Carmel Pecan Rolls
"Best Carmel Rolls In the World"

- Grease bundt pan

- Throw chopped pecans in bottom and sprinkle with brown sugar.

- Rhodes frozen dinner rolls (18-20) in bottom

- 1 pkg Butterscotch pudding - cook 'n' serve not instant...sprinkle over rolls.

- 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1/2 cup butter - bring to boil. pour over rolls.

- cover with plastic wrap and set in oven over night to let rolls rise.

- In AM remove plastic wrap, bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes . Let stand for 10 minutes...flip and serve.

Margie's "Best Caramel Rolls in the World" Recipe

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


We are just chillin at home. Very nice, quiet day. Turkey in oven. Napping by all. My FIL was suppose to be here over an two hours ago. He stirred the pot about getting together and eating. So my dumb ass loving DH agreed. But here once again no show, no call. So it just might be the 3 .. ah yes I said 3 (that is enough to be thankful for right there) of us.

I say back to the couch for football in the background, and watching the inside of my eye lids.

God Bless.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Still on DL

Continued from Fri., Oct 26 ~ Landed on DL

Well Catcher dude really didn't get much better news. He still can not resume the team. Now why this is a BIG deal on Monday Nov 19? I have no clue. The season is still over. Nothing resumes until at the very earliest January 7th. But catcher dude is acting like we have cut his baseball supply off for life. That we have taken the actual breath from his lungs.

So back to what I was saying so still on DL for his team(s). They cut all PE activities. He is allowed to still go to his catcher clinic (following a guide line). He starts physical therapy on today where he will have to complete a 30 day Catcher's program, which should take until around the 7th-8th of January. Increase the icing time. Then in January will go back to the Orthopedic DR. Then we will see where we are at. He is still possible looking a small chance of surgery and not playing again.

*sigh* I really feel bad for him. He is heart broken. I have never seen him this upset in his lifetime. He had a big melt down. A fit? A tantrum? None of those words match really, least in my definition. Let's just say a nasty melt down of tears, crying, and throwing the paper of instructions (which hello? throwing? That is on the NO~NO list). We all just stood in shock. The Dr really tried to calm and reason with him, and though he said he understands, he doesn't. As we weren't in the cafeteria more than 10 minutes at school and he swung his arm (left at least this time) and took out a stack of trays. Ugh! This time the principal and counselor talk to him.

So that is the update for now.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Light Weight

I got this little test from my friend, Leigh
I knew it! Though I do not mind this title.



Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

13 random pet peeves

1. CDD coughing that has went on for weeks that he will not go have treated
2. the catcher bag that no matter where it is place it .. i stumble over it.
3. the trash can that seems to always be spilling over and no one else see it.
4. the hair all over bathroom after CDD shaves.
5. the game system that will not stop now that catcher dude can not go out and play ball.
6. when i lay something down in this house it will disappear.
7. catcher dude's bedroom. (enough said)
8. the rings CDD's cups leave on the furiture. (hello coaster? no drinks through out house?)
9. CDD's braking habits.
10. kids walking in middle of dark streets and can not see them at all. (i swear on is going to get hit soon and they act like it is all your fault)
11. Catcher Dudes speech/language teacher (she has got to go!!)
12. CDD's constant picking his finger nails
13. my sister (again enough said)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

DL, Sick family, boring etc

Nothing really new around here. Catcher Dude is still on the DL, he is making this the longest 4 weeks in history I swear. You would have thought we cut the damn arm off instead of just having him rest the damn thing. *sigh* Last week I had to shake my finger and yell nicely discuss with his P.E. how he is the adult and Catcher Dude needs to listen when he says, "No! You can not throw that ______ (fill in the blank)." Of all the nerve letting CD be the boss. ugh!

Catcher Dude had a nice report card. Very pleased with the turn out. There was one questionable grade, in music of all things. So that pulled him out of NJHS. But there is always next trimester.

To fill his baseball void (which brings to mind a quote I heard recently ... People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring. - Rogers Hornsby) he joined Science Club where he is building the be all end all mighty robot, intramural soccer (eh? Do you have to use your arm??), and Drama Club (oh he has drama alright .. lol) So these are Monday, Thursday, and Friday. So least on those days in is out of my hair until later in the evenings. :P

The nieces are still here. But will be leaving this weekend. With all the troubles around here they have to go. No more. The money well dried up and I am not their parent(s). It is time, long past time.

Last weekend I had a BIG Freecycle event and got rid of tons. Just in time for more junk nice gifts from Christmas. I am hoping to get rid of another load here in next couple weekends. That is really the way to go. Just have a big Freecycle event and yell from the roof tops post on the website come one come all .. No dealing with setting up pick ups. No dealing with no shows. Just all there, first come first serve.

Speaking of which (Christmas) I saw a commerical for a FLY Pentop it looked really cool. But after searching and reading about them. I fell absolutly in love, L-O-V-E, love with this. I went Sunday and personally looked at them and today he became the proud owner (least come Christmas) of one. This I think well be a god send for my LD child. I found a really good deal on the new one, plus free software. She shoots .. she scores .. :-) I hope he likes it. *shrug* If not just return it.

I wish I had some fancy, smooth ending, but I really have nothing else.

Monday, November 12, 2007


I've seen this meme around and wanted to give it a try. :)


Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Vet Assistant
2. Secretary
3. Cashier
4. Movie Theatre

Four movies I have seen more than once:
1. Star Wars
2. Santa Clause
3. It's a Wonderful Life
4. Titanic

Four places I have lived:
1. My parents house growing up
2. Boyfriends (now husband) parents
3. On Base Housing in North Dakota
4. The house we live in now

Four Shows that I watch (not necessarily regularly)
1. Days Of Our Lives
2. Law & Order: SVU
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Las Vegas

Four places I have been:
1. Michigan
2. South Bend, IN
3. Minnesota
4. New York

Four People who e-mail me (regularly):
1. Friend in Canada
2. Mom from baseball (ex) team
3. Mother
4. Baseball Coach

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Strawberries
2. General Chicken
3. Salad
4. Green Beans

Four places I would rather be right now.
1. The beach
2. Visiting my close friend Kathy
3. In bed cuddling with Catcher Dude and watching tv
4. In a hot bath with a margarita

Four things I am looking forward to this year
1. The first snowfall
2. Going to see the play 'A Christmas Carol' with Catcher dude
3. Driving around seeing all the lights of the season
4. Catcher Dude's dad and I's 15 year anniversary (actually in January)

Happy times
1. The day I married Catcher Dude's Dad
2. The day my child was born
3. Moving in our first home
4. Family Vacation to Mall of America

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


What scents are your favorites this fall? There are many scents that bring back fond fall memories. How about Pumpkin Spice or Hot Apple Pie? The great smell of yummy desserts cooking in the oven without the calories! How about Apple Cinnamon or Cider? These remind me of a cup of hot cider.

How about Gingerbread or Christmas Cookie? Or even Banana Nut Bread? These remind me of visits to my Grandma’s house. These bring back the fond memories of the Christmas holiday season.

There are lots of wonderful scents that bring back memories of time gone by, and family members that have passed away. Memories that make me smile and memories I long to never forget. I love to smell Christmas Pine, as it reminds me of walking through the woods with my mom and dad on a hunt for the “perfect” Christmas tree. All the great traditions of times gone by.


What memories are you going to sit and enjoy?

Monday, November 5, 2007

If the shirt fits ...

Wear it. LOL

I was looking for a shirt for Catcher dude and I came across this one. I had to laugh. This sounds just like him.

I know it really bites I can find all sorts of baseball, pitcher, fielder, basemen, etc shirts. But I can not seem to come across a funny lil catcher shirt. I wanted to order one for Christmas. I might order this one.

I found this one. I do like smiliey guys, but I really wanted a shirt that has some sort of catcher theme.

I guess I still have some more time to surf the net. I am just disappointed I can not seem to find what I am looking for.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

A mess, sick kid, and ramblings ...

wanted to update the look of my blog, and man I made a bigger mess then worth it. I still don't have it all put back together, but this will have to do for now.

On top of dealing with blog today, I get a call at 7:50 to please come gather up Cather Dude he has a temp of 103. Now if they didn't have school so bless it early I might actually known he was ill. I never seen him in light. I got him up at 6:20, and on bus at 6:33, he arrives at school 7, and AC is at 7:15. So yeah that was fun. I could have slept in.

Last night catcher dude went to a friends house and helped out at their haunted house. He apparently had fun. First Halloween we spent apart. Oh course dad dude was working. He are a couple pictures I got.

Wordless Wednesday Archive






4/22/09 (Video Style)
1/29/09 (Wordless Thursday by Catcherdude)





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