Saturday, October 30, 2010

EOM Catcher Report

End of Month Catcher Report

First Happy "Almost" Halloween!!

Time just passes so fast anymore. I know I say this almost every month, "I cannot believe the month is over." But I really cannot. So to wrap up October's last Catcher Report ..

Cross Country

Last Saturday (23rd) The top 14 ran in Districts. They ended up taking fourth place as a team and qualified for Sectionals. So there was one more week of practices and would have another meet. Of course! Catcher dude woke up ill and even though I tried to get him to just skip it he insisted. His time was not great. He finished 14th, with a time of 22:07. This course he had not run yet this year so nothing to compare. Except, I know he was sick and should have S-T-O-P.

Today (30th) Instead of top 14 only 11 ran in Sectionals. 1 was hurt & 3 quit as it was conflicting with other things. CD's personal record at this course is 21:34, he ran it today in 21:10 so he beat is PR at this course. The team did not come in top 4 so the season is over. I runner qualified for State which is next Saturday. We wish him all the best!!

So CD ends his Sophomore year of Cross Country. Ending on a pretty good note. Now time to move onto ...

Now that XC is completed he will be in full swing (excuse the pun) baseball mode. High School hitting on Mondays. Batting lessons Monday. Catching Pitchers Tuesday. Plus working on speed, strength, conditioning and agility on Wed & Thursday. Baseball practices will start here soon & I am just not sure where he will fit that into his already busy/packed schedule.

Other news around here ..

Monday they are finally coming to hook up the furnace so if I choose to have heat I can. :) It only took me 2 months to remember to actually call to make appointment. They had said to call in Sept, yeah whatev had other sh!t going on.

I am hoping to get everyone well and flu shots in us all soon. I am tired of all the sniffing and sneezing crap we have had lately. A good Frost/Freeze would be nice, but I am NOT ready for winter. We had such a nice fall. Hardly any rain. Temps above normal. Just really nice. Okay well tomorrow will wrap up October.

Halloween will be over and Daylight savings just around the bend and then only 55 more days until Christmas so it is time to start preparing!!

I think for the most part I am done with shopping. I might be nice and expand beyond just Catcherdude and get something for nieces. But we will see.

Everyone have a nice, safe HALLOWEEN.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Catcher Report

Been a while since I updated things around here. Just another crazy month here. I have debated going on and on about the troubles and trials here, but it would be a long post, and not the energy I want to put into this post.
Catcher's Report


Things are going very well. First Quarter has ended and grades were perfect. He really has grasp the high school years now and without much prodding he gets all his work completed and turned in. (that was the big thing last year would do the work and then forget to turn it in) Test scores are still killing him. It just sucks that test scores are so heavily weighted compared to classwork.

They took the PLAN test this week. He is hoping he scored high enough he will not have to take the ACT. Though that is an awesome goal, I have a little more realistic view. Which is me paying out big bucks to higher someone to take the ACT for him to tutor him on the ACT & taking ACT prep classes. But hey he could shock the heck out of us all.

He is still standing firm on his "No Socializing" policy. He now has it down to a sentence .. "I will always be the friend, never the boyfriend."

School, Grades, Baseball .. if it doesn't fall in those categorize, it doesn't happen. Which I can not say that bothers me. Girls (and boys) are such a distraction. I see/hear all the drama that entails and I am glad he has chosen to wait.
Cross Country

Catcher dude has done so well this year. To think his time trials August 2009 was 27:31, and now October 2010 is 19:54. That is insane. He ran Suburban North Conferences last weekend. He came place 14th in meet & team place. Tomorrow is District Meets. He will have to place Top 30 to go onto Sectionals on the 30th.

The XC season just goes by so fast. It is crazy. But I give props to all the runners I couldn't do it. I know CD has already signed up for a couple races this fall/winter. *shaking head* Boy is addicted.

Well now that the fall season has come to an end. You would think it was time to slow down for a while, HA! No now is when he starts spending insanely amounts of time at the cages. If he isn't taking lessons, he is catching for those taking Pitching lessons. First day of HS Tryout is only in .. 129 days. No time to sit. (Know I am rolling my eyes at that statement)

There is a 44 yr old he is catching for that has never pitched a day in his life and decided he wanted to play on his work team, and is taking lessons. I say good for him!! Though I think his instructor and CD tend to disagree .. lol Apparently he is having a hard time right now getting it to the plate.

Not to much going on around here. The dog is ill again. He has been dining on boiled hamburger/rice mixture and Pumpkin this week. I really hope he bounces back again, but I am afraid the inevitable is on the way. CDD has been working A LOT! He is working 36 hours OT this weekend. I have been struggling trying to get back control of this household, and by that I mean cleaning, laundry, etc. I just can not seem to get ahead. I also need to the furnace people back out to hook up the new furnace. It might come in handy here soon and I would hate to be freezing to death just because I didn't get them back out here.

Well I think that about wraps up this addition of "The Catcher Report" ..

.. Until next week

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Monday, October 18, 2010

That time of year ..

Catcherdude is back in the cages. If he is not catching for the pitching instructors he is taking batting lessons.

He is a small video of that tonight.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mourn the Passing ...

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years.
No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
- Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
- Why the early bird gets the worm;
- Life isn't always fair;
- and maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.

It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.

Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realise that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his wife, Discretion, by his daughter, Responsibility, and by his son, Reason.

He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers;
* I Know My Rights
* I Want It Now
* Someone Else Is To Blame
* I'm A Victim

Not many attended his funeral because so few realised he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing.

An Obituary printed in the London Times - Interesting and sadly, rather true.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day Seven Six {Your best friend}

Your Best Friend
(Another toughie for me .. )

I can not really say I have a "best friend" ..
I had a couple close friends before I was married and moved away ..
I used to tend to be friends more with males than females
and well that really didn't work in our relationship prior to marriage
(now he could careless who I am or am not friends with)
but we grew apart ..

After having my son I became really close friends with J, she lived across the street from my mom and also happen to have a baby girl exactly 1 week before I had my son. We had lots in common and spent lots of time together. We would take the kids to lots of places, talked all the time. But the kids grew up, we moved, they moved,she went on to have 2 more children. We stay in contact but not the same ..

I have a few friends through the Internet ..
A couple I have actually met ..
A couple I wish to someday really meet ..
None the less they all have a special place in my heart.

But after I really thought about this .. the one person who kept popping up in my head, the one I couldn't shake as fitting the definition ..

My Son ..
We really are close.
We have always done so much together.
We are always together.
(Yeah it has slowed some, but not much since becoming a teenager)
We still watch certain shows together every week, no fail.
We laugh at the dumbest jokes.
We share secrets together.
He really is a great kid.
I couldn't imagine being close friends with anyone else.


(Actually this wasn't as tough after I really thought about it .. )

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day Five {Your definition of Love}

Your Definition of Love


(Why did I ever think I could do this? I seem to be stumped everyday on these)

(.. it's funny .. I laid in the hospital after giving birth to my son and thought about this, how do you describe love? How do you teach love? What is the definition of love? What if I fail on teaching this to my son?)

This is not an easy one for me, I don't believe that love can always be defined ...

I believe love is
... When my son just out of the blue walks up and gives me a hug.
(He is 15 .. that is far and few between)

... When I get a text from the husband, "i love you just thinking of you."
(For no other reason than just that)

... When I get a simple, "Thanks for the ride, mom."
(After it's been the 100th one that week.)

... or the "Thanks for all you do for me." or "Hun, thanks for all you do for us."
(because I ran all week long chauffering him and our son from place to place)


Love? For me is unconditional, indescribable. I couldn't really explain the levels of love I have for people in my life, or why I love the people in my life, I just know I do. From Family, Friends from on-line chats, boards, Facebook & Twitter, to friends far away to close by. They seem to all have a special place in my heart, mind, soul. They meet no criteria. They all have their own exceptional packaging. They make my arms want to hug them, my eyes to watch them. Each one makes me smile and laugh from my heart. I’m consumed by them, and when I feel that way ..
I know I am the luckiest.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day Four {What You Ate Today}

What You Ate Today

Well this could be a boring day ..

For breakfast I am having
Cinnamon French Toast Oatmeal.
Fresh Baked bread, Honey butter.
(scratch that someone ate it all last night while I was sleeping)
Plus Orange Juice.

For Lunch I had:
2 McDonald's Sausage Burrito
Large Coke
Bag of Cheddar Fries

Halloween Cap'n Crunch & Milk

Was consumed at Las Fuentes ..
I had 4 fried Tacos, Rice, chips, Salsa,
and 3 Margaritas.

I do believe this was the easiest day so far.. Day 4 Done!

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day Three {Your Parents}

{i spent all day trying to figure out what to write. This is a difficult topic for me to discuss, I really don't know what to say, so bear with me.}

Your Parents

My parents were married for 27 years, they separated and divorced when I was 22 & my sister was 14. Most of what I remember of them together was separate rooms, non-communication, fighting, and lastly abuse later on.

My Mom

My mom was born in 1945, and raised in a small rural area in Missouri. Being the youngest of eight children, but by the time she came along there was only 2 left at home. All the others were married and long gone.

After graduating High School she moved to the city to find a job long way from farming. Her and my father were high school sweat hearts. Though her parents did not approve of him one bit.

When she had enough of that relationship she moved on. FINALLY!!

My mother was never the stay-at-home type of mom. Retired now do to an injury. Because she can not leave well enough alone (nice way of saying can not stop meddling) she is raising my oldest niece. If she had it her way and the courts would see it her way she would have custody of all her grandchildren, yes mine included. As I said .. meddling .. but I love her.

I have so many memories with my Mom and I feel like sometimes she gets the short end of the stick. We were thick as thieves when I was growing up, well minus the "teenage years" lol. We still can cause loads of trouble. ;-)


My dad was the youngest of six children. He was born in 1945. His father was a farmer and he never seen his self in that career choice. He moved to the city where he followed his brothers and they all worked at the same company for many years. My dad loved cars and spent a bit of time racing stock cars for fun. He drafted during the Vietnam War. I am told he was never the same when he returned. I was born of course until way after that, so I wouldn't know.

Unfortunately I do not remember much about my dad other than the bad years. He was a horrible active alcoholic. He would get off work and not stop drinking until bedtime. I would guess this habit started when I was in late elementary/early middle school. I will give him this, he never missed a day of work because of his habit. Then the violence started ..

The Divorced Years

My mom?

Still lives in house I grew up in. She remarried after about 10 years. Probably not anymore happier than she was before.

My dad?

I would have no clue. He blamed me for the divorce and by his choice I have not seen or heard from him what will be 19 years this coming May. I guess this would be his loss. He has never met his son-in-law. He has missed out on the joy of his only grandson. But really? Would I even let him in our lives? Hard to say. I think it would been a hard sell for the husband. For him he stills sees the remains of dads last rage in the scar on my face.


Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day Two {Your first love}

Your first love

Met when I transferred schools my Junior year
the most beautiful eyes
hunter (apparently in more ways than one .. lol)
spent most of Senior year together
Prom Date

apparently a smooth talking snake in disguise,
he slept with his Public Safety teacher
went back to his ex-Fiancé after graduation

Had a meltdown ...
took him to court, sued his ass
recovered all my money

I still have one picture of us from Prom
He was to be a fireman
He was in the Coast Guards
Really never knew what happen to him after we left the court house that day ..
every now and then i wonder if he is happy ..

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Day One {Introduce}


... I live in Missouri
... I drive a yellow SUV.
... I love taking photos
... I do not drink coffee
... I drink way to much Coke
... I do NOT like Pepsi
... I have been married 17 years
... I am right handed
... I can NOT stand cigarette smoke
... I have 1 child
... I'm a SAHM to my son
... I have a husband who is younger than me
... My son is a sophomore in high school
... I have 3 nieces
... I have 1 sister (Worldest Largest PITA)
... I still have my mother
... I have step dad (Who is a Big PITA)
... I lived on an Air Force Base for 2 years
... My favorite Drink .. Margarita's
... I have had 5 dogs since I was 3
... Names: Dutches, Sampson, Lady, Katie, and Dakota.
... 3 of them being Shih-Tzu's & 2 Labs
... My first blog was held @ HomeschoolBlogger

Some of my favorite things (in no particular order)...

Grey's Anatomy.
Stephanie Plum Novels.
Hannah Swensen Mysteries.
Castle - "I really am ruggedly handsome, aren't I?"
DVR .. Tivo
Dollar Store.
Holiday Lights.
Apps on iPods.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

The Catcher Report

Take 2 ~ Damn you Blogger and your Error 506

First I want to give credit where credit is due – though the name “Catcher Report” came from my wee little head the idea came from Dana she does Friday Wrap-Up. I thought what a great idea. So I stole borrowed with love. ~ Thanks Dana for the inspiration.

Catcher’s Report

September flew by, and October is greeting us at the door. The weeks just seem to fly by anymore and I couldn’t tell you where they go. This week is no exception.

CDD has been fighting a cold all week. (He NEVER gets sick) So he only worked Tuesday & Thursday. I think this is the first time in forever he has actually used his sick days for actually being sick. Hopefully the weekend will do him good and he will be bounced back Monday. Though I am not sure how much rest he will actually get. He has to do yard work Saturday and get the snake repellent down before I strangle him.


Fall baseball is coming to an end as well. Not like he played very much. He was always at a try-out for summer 2011. He should have just skipped fall ball. It would have saved us money. (that was wasted) I thought he finally picked an organization last week to play for. But he received an email this week about another place interested, so next week he will be back at it again.


Cross Country is almost to the end. One more race next weekend
and then that is it. I think I cannot remember if everyone runs Conferences or if only top 10 go. Last Friday he ran a PR of 21:14, placing 85th out of 102. Running for CD has been trouble lately. Whatever is in the air is causing his airway to shrink when running. We didn’t think he would run today, but he ended up pushing through. So today's meet he ran Tanner ran a 21:51, placing 107th out of 182. Apparently not a great race day for him.


On the school front, I could tell you nothing. I really have done an excellent job not holding his hand. Conferences and grades will come out next Friday. It is what it is. I know I hear parents talking about all the work and homework their kids have. Mine? Never cracks a book. The proof will be in the pudding.


Well the first draft of this was WAY better and from now on I am taking Jay's suggestion and typing it all in Word first. So if I hit Publish and get an error .. I didn't waste my TIME.

.. on that note until next time

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.