Saturday, October 30, 2010

EOM Catcher Report

End of Month Catcher Report

First Happy "Almost" Halloween!!

Time just passes so fast anymore. I know I say this almost every month, "I cannot believe the month is over." But I really cannot. So to wrap up October's last Catcher Report ..

Cross Country

Last Saturday (23rd) The top 14 ran in Districts. They ended up taking fourth place as a team and qualified for Sectionals. So there was one more week of practices and would have another meet. Of course! Catcher dude woke up ill and even though I tried to get him to just skip it he insisted. His time was not great. He finished 14th, with a time of 22:07. This course he had not run yet this year so nothing to compare. Except, I know he was sick and should have S-T-O-P.

Today (30th) Instead of top 14 only 11 ran in Sectionals. 1 was hurt & 3 quit as it was conflicting with other things. CD's personal record at this course is 21:34, he ran it today in 21:10 so he beat is PR at this course. The team did not come in top 4 so the season is over. I runner qualified for State which is next Saturday. We wish him all the best!!

So CD ends his Sophomore year of Cross Country. Ending on a pretty good note. Now time to move onto ...

Now that XC is completed he will be in full swing (excuse the pun) baseball mode. High School hitting on Mondays. Batting lessons Monday. Catching Pitchers Tuesday. Plus working on speed, strength, conditioning and agility on Wed & Thursday. Baseball practices will start here soon & I am just not sure where he will fit that into his already busy/packed schedule.

Other news around here ..

Monday they are finally coming to hook up the furnace so if I choose to have heat I can. :) It only took me 2 months to remember to actually call to make appointment. They had said to call in Sept, yeah whatev had other sh!t going on.

I am hoping to get everyone well and flu shots in us all soon. I am tired of all the sniffing and sneezing crap we have had lately. A good Frost/Freeze would be nice, but I am NOT ready for winter. We had such a nice fall. Hardly any rain. Temps above normal. Just really nice. Okay well tomorrow will wrap up October.

Halloween will be over and Daylight savings just around the bend and then only 55 more days until Christmas so it is time to start preparing!!

I think for the most part I am done with shopping. I might be nice and expand beyond just Catcherdude and get something for nieces. But we will see.

Everyone have a nice, safe HALLOWEEN.

Baseball Mom
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1 comment:

Major.Sunshine said...

Shame on you for saying the 'Christmas' word!!

You shall recieve 100 floggings for that and no Halloween candy for you!!

Trick of Treat!!