Monday, February 28, 2011

One Year Later

I can not believe one year has past since this day was here. High School Baseball Tryouts. It is hard to believe how fast time goes by.

So Big question. Am I as nervous today as I was last March 1-5? Not for the same reasons. Knowing more about what position players they have. I feel some sense of security. Plus when he asked about what would happen if he wasn't ready by today the coach simply said,

"But you will by end of March, correct?"

giving impression, they were not worried about t/o, but the season. So *shrug* who knows.

What does give me anxiety? After all the yelling, and phone calls, name calling, fits, etc .. the school could hold a grudge and simple not let the coaches place him

on the team. What? like that is not unheard of. I knew going into that fight I was pushing CD's luck. But unlike the XC incident, the broken finger fight, was the battle and chance. Like I always say, "Pick your battles."

I feel I did.

So we will See.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2011 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Friday, February 25, 2011

EOM Catcher's Report

End Of The Month
Catcher's Report
The Final A$$ Clown Report/Update

I am doing my last update wrap up of this whole finger/a$$ clown/school/ drama. I would like to say this month was a better month. I would like to say there were no other school or a$$ clown issues. I would like to say there were no other Dr appointments. As I would like to say all that .. It would be a lie ..

But what I can say is CD has now been released (2/7) from surgeon. He is done at the rehab center. (Thank goodness stay tuned for vent on that one) He seems to be doing well. Looks like motion is almost 100%. I am very HAPPY with the results of the surgery. Best thing to come out of it was the surgeon we got. Thank You So Much Dr. Golden!! You Rock!!

Let's just hope it has had enough recovery time it will not snap at the first sign of using it for baseball. x(--)x <-- fingers crossed.

I ended up at the Chiropractors because my neck, back, and head were killing me. I had (have) so many knots it was not even funny.

Sadly I did spend much of February fighting school. It was a nightmare. On the 15th a$$ clown came up behind (he loves coming from behind .. lil b!tch a$$ coward) pushing CD into lockers and almost to floor. Of course it was the right hand that plowed into the lockers. Lucky nothing more serious than a bump happened. A$$ clown's favorite thing to be annoying is to open the door to the Chem Class CD is in and shout in there. Anyone else read that & think the teacher should be doing something about that? Hmm? Yah! My thoughts to!

I talked to so many people this month. ABC Principal, Counsellors, Social Workers, SSD teacher, Asst Superintendent (well I tried, he never called me back but did call the head Principal and told him to fix this issue) The main trouble was they were seeing this as a P.E. accident, and not what it was. Grrr!!

But the last conversation I had with Principal finally something took. Only took 2 months, 3 days to get it clear. He spoke with CD once again, and the a$$ clowns mother was finally called, told to come pick her "child" up and was removed for whatever guide lines allowed for the offense of Bullying & Dangerous Behavior. (*cue choir*) hallelujah!! hallelujah!!

In the last few days I have found out more than I care to about this "a$$ clown"

* He failed every class (minus p.e. got an A) from first semester.
* Is currently failing all classes this semester.
* Does have multiply suspensions (in & out of school), & Saturday Detentions
* Many write ups in class room (one even had CD's name from Sept where A$$ Clown knocked CD's backpack across room)
* His mother works for the school board (yep! A little bell go off as a warning sign on this one? All made sense .. all puzzle pieces fit nicely there)

But the school was attesting he was a good boy, just a small pest, never in trouble. Ha! Yeah, so I can never throw in faces I know the true facts about the record of this kid. But least I know. I am at peace now. Because I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG He IS AN A$$ CLOWN!!

The sun seems to be peeking out right now, so we will see. Possible the darkest days are over. Now is the time to drop the subject. Heal CD. Move on. But NOT FORGET. Time for Spring ..

Time for ...


Baseball Mom
©2006-2011 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Twitter & Real Life Cross Over ..

Tonight I had a chance to meet up with a Twitter & Facebook friend. Avgchick. It was really nice to finally get to put a person to the words. It was really a great time. We met up for dinner, and had the restaurant not been closing we could have sat for a much longer time catching up and enjoying each others company.

Hopefully her business will bring her back to town soon, or even better we can meet up this summer close to her house. Because I really would like to go on vacation as I talked about earlier.

All in all it was a good night. I stepped out of my comfort zone, and did something new. I do not regret it one bit. Had a blast.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2011 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Flip Off ..

I saw this on a blog not to long ago. Thought what a grand idea. So here it is ..
(actually I started this list last Fri 1/25, but I didn't get posted so I continued on for this week ..)

(started 1/25)
It is no surprise my first on list is Mr. A$$ Clown himself. A BIG TWO HANDED FLIP OFF to you!! You have caused so much up roar in this house. I am sick to death of it. As of today you are still walking around just pleased as punch what you have caused. Karma! All I am saying ..

Then lets add the admins of said school. Don't hands are tied me. Untie the sumb!tches and get off your highly seated throne your lazy a$$es are sitting on.

The back screen door that just will not keep it's screws intact. Who doesn't like their screws? You would think you would hang onto your's. Just Saying! I really do not wish to have a glass window fall on thy wee head. Thanks! I will pass!

To the icicles that keep forming on the roof. Really? Don'tcha know .. Those icicles have been known to kill people. But you just keep coming back, and I will just keep knockin' you down.

Lastly this week .. to those who think you have the right to even comment about me as a parent/mother. You don't know me. Just because what you read in a blog or 140
characters on twitter does not portray the whole Muther Flip-Flopp'in picture. Just sayin!

(con't on 2/4)

To the mailman. STAY OUT OF MY YARD!! It is not roped off for you to still try to bring your fat purple people eater self and your 100lb. bag into it. My yard is sinking! That is why we roped it off.

To CDD's company. Twice you pulled the "stay home, closing the company" but you have to use a personal day, vacation day, or sick day. SCREW YOU!! If your going to close -- you pay the employees!! ALSO -- if you are going to close for front office & 1st shift, have the same respect for 2nd shift.

I have another Birdie for my Step-Dad. Just because you choose to wake up at butt crack dawn, and shower, sh!t, shave, watev, does not mean when above company closes for 1st shift and you have to go in, does not mean you have to go in early pulling CDD out of bed wit no shower, food, or shoveling me & teen out of house! Ugh!

Then there is the neighbor across the street. When to street department gets our street all nice and clean, why must you throw your snow in the street getting it all fudged up? Freezing back up and then of course making it harder for me to get in my driveway cuz the crap iced up right where you threw it? *sigh* Thanks! Old Creepy Guy!!

CD's Car! Really? Again? We just spent all this $$ in December fixing your butt. Seriously had no plans to want to have more work on you today. But unfortunately .. ya got to have wiper motor to use the wipers. But the last time I was leaving the shop having you fixed I got that horrible call about CD's broken finger. Let's not have a repeat of that shall we?

Baseball Mom
©2006-2011 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


... or so they were saying at first. When this was first brewing about they were comparing it to the ice storm of 2006. HERE

Well that was enough to send me into full panic mode. I know people can not even grasp that. I get that. But for Flip-Flop sakes do not make fun or make it seem like I have irrational fears. If you were not here, if you do not know what it is like to hear the crackling of tree branches, and then the deafening sound of it hitting the ground, to not know where it hit. To be sleeping and you awake again to those sounds, though this time it hits your house and you just know it has broken through that time. To walk outside and almost get shot from a gun happy neighbor to look at your house and in the moonlight swear the limb is in your son's room. Right where he his sleeping. Yeah! Ice storms will scare the living hell out of you.

But yes, we did have ice again. But they were on top of it. It didn't get as bad as they thought. Monday they early dismissed the kids from school. That was about when the rain/sleet/ice started coming. Tuesday there was No school. It was supposed to change over from the major ice storm to 6"-13" of snow by 6 a.m. We did get snow, but not what they thought. Even CDD's company closed, but they had to use a day (don't get me started on that rant) if they want to be paid. They closed school again for today. Today just a few flakes here and there. The wind is blowing lots.

Now to try and find the driveway. *sigh* Had CDD had more days to blow I would have had him stay here. Fluck! This! Sh!t! Really none of us need to be doing it. CDD with his weight & heart, CD with his broken finger, and me with my drain. Not a good mix in the house.

So that is what is going on around here. I am sure there will be school tomorrow. But if I do not have the car & driveway unburied CD will probably not go, and I will fight with school about not marking him absent. Because of course had they taken the steps to make sure CD was safe, and let A$$clown break his finger he could ride his bus, but oh what is this I read, no riding buses Dr's orders. So either a Principal can drag their a$$ here to pick him up, send a cab, or not mark absent. Their choice. :)

Also today is Ground Hog Day ..

So according to Punxsutawney Phil, Spring will come early this year. I hope so. I really do. I am not complaining. We have not had snow, and a good amount of it, for years. But I think I am at my done point. It is fun to have extra days off here and there, and it has helped a lot in CD's recovery. Seems like a Snow Day came just when we needed it on a couple occasions. But this is enough. Time to get these kids in school back to full-time. So we can have a summer break.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2011 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.