Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Still on DL

Continued from Fri., Oct 26 ~ Landed on DL

Well Catcher dude really didn't get much better news. He still can not resume the team. Now why this is a BIG deal on Monday Nov 19? I have no clue. The season is still over. Nothing resumes until at the very earliest January 7th. But catcher dude is acting like we have cut his baseball supply off for life. That we have taken the actual breath from his lungs.

So back to what I was saying so still on DL for his team(s). They cut all PE activities. He is allowed to still go to his catcher clinic (following a guide line). He starts physical therapy on today where he will have to complete a 30 day Catcher's program, which should take until around the 7th-8th of January. Increase the icing time. Then in January will go back to the Orthopedic DR. Then we will see where we are at. He is still possible looking a small chance of surgery and not playing again.

*sigh* I really feel bad for him. He is heart broken. I have never seen him this upset in his lifetime. He had a big melt down. A fit? A tantrum? None of those words match really, least in my definition. Let's just say a nasty melt down of tears, crying, and throwing the paper of instructions (which hello? throwing? That is on the NO~NO list). We all just stood in shock. The Dr really tried to calm and reason with him, and though he said he understands, he doesn't. As we weren't in the cafeteria more than 10 minutes at school and he swung his arm (left at least this time) and took out a stack of trays. Ugh! This time the principal and counselor talk to him.

So that is the update for now.


Leighann said...

Poor Kid!

Elisa said...


I love that pic of the kid throwing a tantrum saying i want a comment lol. i need that on *my* blog!