Monday, January 2, 2006

Second day of January ...

... started with the blaring of Tornado sirens.

luckily things were okay. just warnings. heavy winds and rain came through.what a way to be woke up at 4 in the morning in january no less. day isn't starting out any more different than it has all winter break. which ends today. apparently the public schools went back today. kid goes back tomorrow.

kid actually wanted to go back today to visit old teachers. really was nervous as to what to expect. all went down without a hitch!! which i was happy. kid was happy. All was right. helped that wicked witch of the west was out on her broom.

kid has game tonight. (baseketball) i personally would rather put the pj's back on and stay in, but a mommy has her jobs. well the game did not go so well. losing again, but having fun doing so. tonight should be really fun (NOT) trying to get kid of to la-la-land.

tomorrow is back to grind of things. no more vacation, laying around, enjoying the company of the kid. oh well nice while it lasted. just count down to when he is off again.

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