Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Post Surgery Check-in

Yeah Me!! I survived through yesterday. Still in massive pain. The pain pills were not keeping up last night and most part of today. But since around 4 seems they are keeping up better. Now hopefully we are on the last road of recovery and feeling better. Though I do have another surgery ahead of me in 8 weeks. But baby steps. Just worry about the now.

But I just feel so gosh darn old now. This just seems like something older people would have troubles with. But I suppose Fistula's are not age discriminatory. LOL. But seriously? First within the last month I have had reoccurring heartburn. Now I have to drink this god awful Metamucil. *blah!* Switch to a High bulk diet. I just feel old. I am cancel all birthdays from here or out.

But alas I am alive and kicking so enough wallowing in this. I will just deal. *pulling big girl pants on* stepping off vent box.

So 2 days until Christmas. Cold enough. But no snow. It was raining/freezing/sleeting early but that has stopped. I really wanted a White Christmas. Oh well.

Catcher Dude got some sad news this afternoon. He was all paid up and planning on going to a baseball camp next week but there was not enough interest and it was cancelled. Bummer!!

There was a present elf that showed up and a few misfits fell out of their bags and under my tree. Not sure how that happen. Guess some elf thought there was a deserving receiver here. ;-)

Seriously I have no clue who those gifts are for as I can not bend under there and look with this drain, stitches, and rubber band. I will have to ask the hubby when he returns home if he knows where they appeared.

Well I am all over the place. Drugs! Nice. Kicked in again and I can not hold a thought.



Gary's third pottery blog said...

Oh goodness, glad the surgery went OK, but hope you feel better soon!!!!

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

I sure hope you get well soon and heal quickly! I've heard this can be painful (well, I learned more about fistulas on Oprah yesterday).

Hang in there! Glad there are some gifts under the tree!

Poor Catcher Dude.