Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First Liners

So I saw this idea on Life's Crises and I stole it decided to copy the idea. She got the idea from a blogger, which got it from a blogger, and well you get the idea.

What was the first line from your blog the first day of each month in 2008?
(As I started this process I realized there was a couple problems with this. (1) I didn't always post on the 1st day of the month. (2) Wasn't around a lot of the time at the beginning of the year. So I will have to make do.)

January - "So many things right now and I could not even begin to list them all." (written by DS .. was referring to what he misses)

February - "I believe hitting a round ball with a round bat is the hardest thing to do in all of sports." (Written by DS .. was writing about baseball)



May - "CYCLONES BREAK OUT THE HEAVY LUMBER IN POOL PLAY" (written by DS .. talking about tournament they played that weekend.

June - "When you read the 'shower door' part, try it. It's the first thing that has
ever cleaned that spotty shower door." (post about uses for WD 40)

July - "Man it has been a long and hard recovery to get back in the swing on things." (talking about my 6.5 months disappearance)

August - "I can not believe Monday school is here. Where did the summer go?" (self-explanatory.)

September - "So today is a holiday." (Labor Day)

October - "So that means for Catcher Dude the painful start of the fall season." (referring to baseball ending until January 2009)

November - "Though I am still not feeling all that well, guess I am going to have to see another Dr." (Health issues were still popping up all over the place)

December - "It's hard to believe that December has arrived" (Self-explanatory, I still feel this way.

I may do this on a yearly bases now. This year was a rough year. Just flipping back brought up those memories that I was all to eager to want to forget.