Friday, October 24, 2008


So finally Friday is here. We have another quiet weekend here. I am so thankful for that. I am just worn out. Yesterday I came home and napped from about 2:30-4, not on purpose mind you. Just fell asleep. Then I was in bed and sleeping sorta soundly at 9. I so needed that. But when the alarm went off at 6, UGH! I still was not ready to let sleep go. My plans were to get in DS bed and sleep a tad bit more this a.m. but I just couldn't bring myself to do that.

So as far as the weekend goes I think it will just be a lounge around the house weekend. The DH and I was going to have lunch this afternoon with a fellow worker bee, but that fell through. I do have some honey dew things that we could work on.
  • Hang Molina picture that CD got for Christmas 2007.
  • Post the NO TRESPASSING signs we got for the fences
  • Move hutch from basement
  • Work on putting the basement back together from flooding in April/May
  • Hang bikes up in garage

So there are some lacking items around here. Though as I was sitting here I am thinking we should head out and do a little Christmas shopping. (yes you read that correct) See DH and I only get so much time together to do anything. So have to make it count. We only have 5-6 Fridays alone until Christmas hits. So never to soon to start. Besides not getting a lot this season. Catcherdude got the hunk of his money allotment in September. But seeing he is 13 not 6 he gets it. Not a biggie! So we may head out and do that today. Guess we could have lunch together, alone, just him and I... what am I thinking? lol.

Happy Friday!!

1 comment:

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Freebie Day! Freebie Day! YAY!!!

Sounds like your weekend isn't as empty as you would like.

Me, Too, Gal! Me too. When I get home from the school fall party? I'm going to fall out myself with some Shiner Bock, or wine, and maybe a vlog...and pics of the kids in costume!

Then, gel until tomorrow when Gamma K comes out to visit and I make 40 cupcakes for the church CCD dinner tomorrow night.

Oh, and my DH will be on a four day holiday.

Happy FWFD Friday!