Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dinner tonight

So I have had it with eating out, fast food, eating at 10:30pm - midnight. From running all evening. Tonight I am cooking this:

Mac-and-Cheese Soup

Catcher dude asked about this the other day, and we haven't had it in a while. So I stopped extra early this a.m. and took a drive to store.

I will start now, and should be ready when kiddo walks in from after school activities. Then we rush off for another night of running about. Actually .. we have one trip tonight. It is testing for TKD. So *crossing fingers*, hoping and praying, stomping feet, throwing myself on ground and having a 2-year old tantrum that we are home by 8 and in bed by 9. I need some Zzzzzzz's.


Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

rant. tantrum. snicker! Funny? Cute?? And, true!!!

Happy Thursday!

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Awwww! You're followin' me!!!! YAY!!

You made me a ten! TEN!!! Thank's Ma'am!!!