Saturday, October 4, 2008

October is here ..

So that means for Catcher Dude the painful start of the fall season. Oh yes .. the end of the fall ball baseball season.

Last night was the last double header for team #1 (G). They ended the fall 7-3. Not bad. Last night was brrr..brrr.brr chilly! But we made it through. All that is left in the season for this team is a tournament the weekend of 20,21. They were going to play in a tournament the 13,14 but cancelled. So that will be that until January, then we start back with indoor practices & training.

AS far as team #2 (C). They have 3 more games in their fall season and were done. I doubt we will go back in the spring. But possible.

What I have been thinking is taking him back to where this baseball frenzy all started. Back to the beginning. Let him play on a second team at the lil rec ball fields we have in this area. Though let him play up a year for a challenge. Wipe my hands with the rest.

Though I will have to have a meeting with the head of the house here .. he really has last say. So me making plans and not asking the boss man probably wouldn't be a good idea. The boss-man, head of house, the number one, always likes last say in anything. So when the Catcher Dude wakes, and I remember I will check this over with him.

Meanwhile .. as far as fall. I am glad she is here. Cooler weather, beautiful leaves, pumpkin patches, apples, halloween, all my fav's are coming.

Well I better make use of my time of NOT being on the road today and clean up, laundry, etc. Because these days are rare!!

1 comment:

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

It's a nice warm 80+ something here! I only like brr....brrr...brr. cold at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Shortly after that? I long for!
