Sunday, February 22, 2009

Changes & Catch Up.

So I am not sure if I like this or not. I was bored. But I am not sure how this is. But I am tired of messing with it. So it stays. Like it or not. I just can not make layouts like some of you lucky people can. LOL. So least for now it will stay. [Edit on Monday: I didn't leave it! I couldn't get comfortable with what it looked like. If I could had just tweeked a couple things, it would have stayed. Oh Well]

Next item of business ..

The Vlog.

So that bombed out BIG TIME!! I could never get Catcher Dude and myself in the same room. So I ended up just scratching that whole idea. lol.

I had received my big ol' book from Gary, from Pottery Blog and wanted to Vlog opening it. Well as I said, I tired of waiting to be able to open it. So I just opened it. I did take pictures, though the camera is now in car, so that will also have to wait. But I will say I am very happy with the turn out. I am one lucky baseball mom!!

Next item of business ..

The 6 week follow up appointment from Surgery.

So I went to the Doctors on Thursday and he said I was all good to go. So time for the 2nd surgery. So anytime I am ready. Ready? Is he kidding me? Fine! So when I start looking over calendar I am finding there is no open times. NONE! Baseball is in full swing, and right now Catcher Dude has some type of this or that everyday. Only a few more weeks and tournaments & games start. With dad dude working nights, I am it. There is no one else to step up to the plate. Much less the DR only does surgeries in A.M. Ummm .. dad dude is now in school of the a.m so he sure as heck can not take and stay with me. Oy! Then they drop another bomb, this time I have to stay over night. Um .. what? Oh yeah that made life even easier. NOT!!

So seeing how it is not something we have to do right now .. I am thinking October. His scheduling nurse didn't think that was all that funny. But seriously? I am going to take myself? I am going to leave Catcher Dude home alone? Have him miss things he is required to attend? Lose money invested? *sigh*

This is a two part deal. Taking either 4 days straight, or can be broke down 2 days and then 2 days. Well we have been looking over our calendar for 2 days now and I am not closer to getting a date in mind. Other than after the season is over. Sometime in the fall. But some how I do not think the DR saying, "Not a rush." Translate to I can wait until the fall. LOL.

Next item of business ..

The rest of the weekend.

Quiet weekend. No camp scheduled this weekend for Saturday, and today's was cancelled for a Fundraiser. So I have gotten to stay in my PJ's all weekend. Now that is a treat all by itself. [thinking: To bad couldn't do surgery yesterday.] I am supposed to be getting around now to be ready to go out after dad dude & Catcher dude get home from bowling. But I have no desire to go out.

It is colder again outside. Yesterday morning we woke to another snow dusting. Though it is gone today. I am still tired of this cold and snow.

Well. That is it on my what's going on in this clubhouse weekend addition.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.



Gary's third pottery blog said...

thanks for the nice words :)
and glad you are happy!
Oooph...putting off surgery if you can seems like a good idea.
And I love the new look here!

Major.Sunshine said...

oh don't you worry about the whole layout thingie... I've got my eye on you. I've put you on "THE LIST" and now you get to worry about whether it's the NAUGHTY or NICE list... lol

Also... you've been TAGGED