Graduation day is tough for adults. They go to the ceremony as parents. They come home as contemporaries. After nineteen years of child-rearing, they are unemployed.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
What a shame he just doesn't like talking to the fans. There are so many kids that would love to learn some words of wisdom from him.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Hazing in High School - Part 2
It ended up that another parent sent an anonymous letter to the Assistant Superintendent that Wednesday night. So it was removed from my hands and I ended up not having to do anything.
The freshman boys missed most of all their morning classes Thursday as they were all being shipped from one office to another. They all had to write statements stating what happen during spirit week. There were many who tried to refuse to write statements, but that really didn't work out for them.
The Assistant Principal, Sports Director, and Cross Country Coaches ended up kicking 9 kids off the cross country team. 5 kids were suspended. 2 removed from NHS. 1 senior lost his cross country scholarship.
When they were finish cleaning house their top 7 was gone. Plus other top runners. So there was not much left in competition for the team.
Even though I kept my mouth shut and stayed out of it the blame ended up on CD. Funny you would think they would have smarts NOT to then run their mouths of facebook. *rolling eyes* I am beginning to believe Seniors have no better sense than freshman class. :)
They were convinced he ratted them all out. But I tell ya what if I was sending out emails it would not be "anonymous" nor would I have skipped every Administrator at the school.
Cross country is now over. The boys are back in school. Everything seems to have blown over. Guess this just better be lesson learned for the boys from here on out. Fun is fun. But use Common Sense.
Baseball Mom
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Seriously! Hazing in High School.
I am just so mad this morning I can seriously not see straight. My head is actually in a cloud. I am so torn as to what to do. My head and heart are at war.
Last week was Spirit week at school. There was as much "unapproved" activies as there was approved. I was not happy about this at all. I kept quiet at the request of Catcherdude. But I really had a safety issue for several of the kids. But so not to upset, embarrass, what ever, I kept mums. Yeah! Famous last words there.
Now I can not say what was or was not going on with the other teams and organizations but the XC team crossed many lines, and trust me it was NOT a finish line!! The upperclassman's famous form of "prank" was to give wedgies. But worse than that to pull to ripe them off the student. To quote them, "Ripe um". There was one student they riped his off everyday. But this was just "harmless" fun. So I was told. But then as the week progressed there were students being hurt. They picked one off the ground trying to get his to ripe off. When they finally gave way they "accidentally" dropped the kid. Causing bloody knees and elbows. He was not even able to compete in their meet Friday. But never said a word about what was happening. Coaches are not around when they are jogging to and from park and in locker room. There was not one kid who would come forward. The mom of the hurt child really wanted to go to school. But her son talked her out of it.
Just as mine all week told me to leave it be.
Blue paint in hair .. leave it be mom. Only one week.
Marker down sleeve of hoodie. Leave it be mom.
There were several attempts on "riping" son. But his TKD paid off. They walked away saying he was to much of a fighter. Still it just sat in the pit of my stomach. But we got through the week.
or so we thought ......
Yesterday they were coming in the locker room from practice and 9 of them jumped Catcherdude. They finally got him knocked to the ground. But in process they managed to hurt him. He actually got hurt worse than those last week. He certainly will not be competing this week. I lost all cool .. he was a mess when I met up with him later. Which was another thing he never mentioned to me what happened when I spoke to his several times after practice. Only when I walked into the PUBLIC LIBRARY to drop off a flash drive to him did I see what happen. Where was any adults? Where was all this security this school employees? So my first response was to go back to the school as find an admin. But they all go home at 3:30.
Catcherdude will not give up the names. This is assault. Period. But again not wanting to make waves. Will not say a word. As we are bandaging his bloody mess of an arm this morning still beg, borrow, and pleading that I do not say or do.
This just does not seem "normal" a look the other way type of issue. But like I started, my head and heart are at war. *sigh*
Baseball Mom
Thursday, August 13, 2009
It's Here .....
He didn't *blink* an eye as he set out to walk a block to catch the bus. (Side note: Why can a High School bus not come any closer? I wondered that last year, and now that he has to walk it, I wonder it more even now. There are plenty a couple more on the street it could pick up so I am clueless on the stops so far away.)
So now he leaves everyday @ 6:30 and I will not see him until ??? Guess we play that one by ear. The bus leaves school @ 5:30. So I will guess-ta-mate 6-6:30??? Almost 12 hours. man adjusting I will have to do. This mama is not use to that.
Another odd ball thing (least to me) his lunch hour changes as well. M,TH,F one time. T & W another. WEIRD!!
So much has happen around here since I departed early July. I will have to update all later on that.
I know I still owe Farmer's Wife a vlog. I am going to have to juggle that one as we disconnected the internet from the house. So no I have not forgotten you FW, just trying to figure how to get that done for you.
I have much more to ramble on about but time is short.
Happy Thursday!!
Baseball Mom
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Rest assured everyone is healthy and safe. I just need to take some time, step back, and reevaluate things around here. I will return, most likely when school resumes.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Is this Heaven?
Iowa? I could have sworn this was heaven.
Damn fool plowing under his corn field ...
Our practice game last night was in the middle of a corn field. I kid you not!!

Look at that scenery? Breathe taking ...

Time out! Chicks on the field ...

Cornfield behind the outfield. I kept wondering if Shoeless Joe Jackson would come out of there. LOL
Though I was not happy with the drive time for a PRACTICE game mind you, not a game. The weather was wonderful last night. The scenery was breathe taking. Boys had a good time. Little more goofing off than Catcherdude likes. He is just serious 100% of the time on a field. But it certainly was interesting.
We have been so busy around here. I got my giveaway from Farmer's wife and as promised I am going to Vlog it. But time .. tick-tock! Today I am hoping for a minute. I could do right now. But seriously? I do need to put my face and clothes on. Really don't want to scare ya'll.
Happy Thursday. Hopefully I will be back with a Vlog after while.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Happy Saturday!!
He even thanked me several times for bring him. :) It is even nicer to put up with unbearable conditions when you are appreciated and thanked without prompting. :)
Some how I do not believe the day will go as nice July 6 when I take my mother, niece, son, and a friend of his, all day. But we will see. Nice thing we got a room at the hotel next to the park. Mom or niece get out of hand I will banish them to their room. LOL.
Well looks like Catcherdude make plans to go back today so I need to boggie on outta here.
Happy Saturday!!
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
CONTINUED .. No time to Post
I WON ... I WON .. The cool Estee Lauder bag I was trying to win @ Farmers Wife's Blog. I am so excited!! I really do not win things. So this is ubber scubber exciting for me. PLUS I promised FW that if I should win, I would make a vlog when it arrives. So stay tuned for that. :) Because I do make good on
Catcherdude got himself a stalker .. or so it seems to him. ROFL. There is a girl that basically he has grown up with. They have actually known each other since they were weeks old. Meeting first time on Mother's Day 1995. Up until the age 5 they were together all the time. After that we each bought houses on other side of town. So as time went on they seen less and less. So last Thursday we stopped by to see them we were in the neighborhood. It has been a couple years since really seeing each other. Well ... guess Miss E thinks Mister C is one hot HOTTY!! She has not stopped calling him, txting, facebooking (?? is that the term?) him.
CD doesn't know how to handle this. He seriously isn't looking for a gf. He has always liked her. He use to say they would be married. *giggle* But baseball now is his passion. He really hates we stopped in now. As he is afraid he will loss a good friend. Meanwhile .. *ding song* (sound of his phone going off for txt) never stops.
TG!! Her and her family is in & out of town with several vacations this summer. But she did get him nailed down to 4 different times to get together. Twice being his games. LOL. He has NEVER brought a GIRL to a game. Oh ... it has started. My High School er is being
Then of course there is the topic that keeps me jumping all the time. The topic that I can ramble and ramble and still not really rambled on enough. LOL. Baseball. I was just looking at the calendar and believe it or not we are on the backside of season being almost completed.

He is actually not doing half bad. But there is much to improve on. Especially with High School Try-outs just around the corner. He better get to steppin' it up.
The heat right now is really testing him. They played Sunday in a tournament. Games were at 8 & Noon. When the started it was already H-O-T. By the noon game well over the 90 mark. Then you add heat index and humidity. Oy!! He actually caught the entire time of both games, all 16. 1 game was 7 innings. With the other going into 9 innings. They were tied at end of game minutes. So they went to this dumb a** thing to break the tie. Last Batted out goes to second. Continue with line up. Play until someone scores. What a PITA!!
Tonight's game is cancelled due to heat. Boy I bet the pros wish they could call their game on the account of heat. *rolling eyes* But I am sure it is for the best, though what is that really teaching the kids? *shrug*
Well I should move. I have plenty to get done. Catcherdude is out mowing now and it is already HOT! Hot! HOT! But he is keeping cool by frozen rags and powerade. But I still better go check on him.
Happy Tuesday!!
Baseball Mom
Sunday, June 21, 2009
No time to post
A couple teases ...
- I won
- Catcherdude went 3 for 5. 1 2B (Double), 3 BB (Walks), 2 SB (Stolen Bases), 2 RBI (Runs Batted In), & 2 R (Runs)
- Catcherdude has a girl stalker

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Getting Organized for Summer
- Keep travel-sized sunscreen and bug sprays in your car. That way you never are without it.
- Buy a mesh laundry bag at the dollar store. This is a great bag to tote beach gear/toys around in. Not only will it keep all your beach toys in one place, it is easy for transport and the mesh material allows sand to be shaken out at the beach (not inside your car).
- If you are out of school and at home with the kids for the summer, keep a schedule anyway. Pick a certain time each week for cleaning, one for errands, etc. Let the kids know that despite the laid back feel of summer, things still need to get done and post your schedule.
- Another idea is to post a list of jobs that need to be done and assign prices to them. Allow the kids to earn extra money throughout the week and then make time for a trip to the store to spend their earnings. This is a great thing to send the kids to when they whine about being bored.
- Right now is a great time to do a check of all summer equipment. Take a half hour to check all your equipment to make sure it is in good, safe, operating order. If it is not, get it fixed right away so that when you are ready for fun, your stuff is ready to go too.
- Set up a box in your garage or extra space. Make this your “donate/sell” box. As you go through summer, put anything that no longer fits, works or is used in that box. At the end of the season, take any summer items not used and include them in the box. If you didn’t use it this year, you most likely won’t next summer either. Lighten your load.
~*~ This is my disclaimer .. I am only sharing, I am not claiming. This actually came from a cute lil blog Clear the Clutter. Please visit over there.~*~
I found several of these ideas insightful and helpful. Which reminded me about the bag I carry to all baseball games & practices. Everyone claims I have everything but the kitchen sink. But I feel it is important to be ready for as much as possible. Items I carrying are:
- Sunscreen (spray & cream)
- Bug Spray
- disposable ice packs
- Icey Hot Patches & Cream
- Naproxen
- Antibacterial Hand spray
- Baby wipes
- Neosporin (the new Neo to go & cream)
- Ibuprofen and/or acetaminophen
- Band-aids (but I was out the other night and what a BAD MOMMY!! Catcherdude needed them bad .. tore mess out of knee sliding into second)
- Nail File & Nail Clippers
- 2 wrenches
- 2 screw drivers
- Battery Operated Pencil Sharpener
- Pencils
- of course my scorebook(I keep all of Catcherdudes stats for him, plus it helps me keep track of game, score,etc. Keeps my head in game not getting wrapped up in the mommy chatter)
So there is my Organized for
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Roots & Sprouts and Grow Together
There are some really good articles over there. There are new ones weekly. Right now there is one for teens.
Perplexing Puberty and Raging Hormones: How You Can Help Your Tween Understand What is Going On with Her Body
How about: Cultivating Responsibility with Freedom and Choices
There are several categories. To meet the needs of plenty.
Moms & Dads
Parents are the root of their children’s lives, and articles published within the Moms & Dads category of Root & Sprout are written with parents in mind.
Articles published within the Seeds category of Root & Sprout are written for parents-to-be or parents of children up to 2 years of age.
Articles published within the Shoots category of Root & Sprout are written for parents of preschool-aged children, typically 3 to 5 years of age.
Articles published within the Buds category of Root & Sprout are written for parents of elementary-school aged children, typically 3 to 10 years of age.
Articles published within the Blossoms category of Root & Sprout are written for parents of tweens and teens, typically 9 to 18 years of age.
Then you have Grow Together is the social-networking site, in conjunction with the Root & Sprout parenting resource website, where moms and dads can meet with other members who believe the relationship between parent and child is one that grows through mutual love and respect.
There are groups of plenty to join in on. From Recipe Corner to Books to Lunchbox Challenge to Parents of Multiples to Wildflowers (Help, support, and advice for parents with children with special needs) to Frugal Tips to many more .... Plus you don't see a group for your wants/needs/liking you can start one right up!!
This is really a great source of resources. Plus if you just wanna vent, there is always a friendly person to understand right where you are coming from. We have all been there, at least one if not more in our parenting life.
So if it tickles your fancy, or even if it doesn't just least stop by once and see. You just never know what you might come across that will help you out, give you a giggle, or what not.
Hope to see some new faces soon. :)
*note most of the details of groups, categories, etc .. was copied from Root & Sprout and/or Grow Together directly. I am not swiping or stealing their wording. So I am giving them their props right here and now.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Tuesday Toss Up
Let's see ... what else?
Hubby and I stole a rare moment away on Friday. Just him & I went down to our local downtown Farmer's Market. I was looking for a certain type of grape I LOVE. Not knowing the name was hard to locate. My grandfather grew them. I would sit in the field all the time (only grandchild out of 30+ allowed to *smile*) and eat the right off the vine. You would think my mother would know the name of them. Seeing it was her father. LOL. But Oh well. This vendor seem to think he knew what I spoke of and they are not in season yet. So I will try again later. But I did walk away with a bundle of goodies. 4# green beans, 4# B size potatoes, a large watermelon, a whole pineapple, and avocado's. Afterwards we went to a local restaurant. Not a great pick. Live and learn.
Sunday I fixed up the green beans, potatoes, and bacon in a pot. Yum! Yum! I have been snacking on them all week. Plus the watermelon. I think I may turn green or red. LOL.
Also ...
Catcherdude is driving me crazy with his sleeping. He will sleep 24/7. I swear. Doesn't matter if I go wake him, if I am lucky enough to get him up, I will just later find his sacked out somewhere else. I finally got him up this morning and we went to the movies this a.m. They have free movie series during the summer. Today was American Girl Movie, or Madagascar II. We went for the Madagascar one. But we were not home an hour and he was sound asleep. Still is matter of fact.
Then there is .....
I know there was more I was going to discuss, rant, chat about but drawing a blank. Hmmmm ...
Oh well guess that will have to be it for todays ramble.
Baseball Mom
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Give-away I am drooling over.
Farmers Wife is having this awesome purse giveaway. So I am doing everything in my powers to win this.
How awesome would baseball mom (@catcherdudesmom) look sporting this to games and around town. When all would comment about my most awesomeness purse and where I got it, I would so send them to Farmers Wife's Blog. Oh yes indeedy I would. :)
So here is my attempt to
Thanks for listening to me drool. Now back to our scheduled blog of the day .. coming to you soon.
Baseball Mom
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Home Sweet Home
Even Catcher Dude played rough, well his batting. He usually doesn't have a bad game behind the plate. His throw to second could be better. (Actually it better get better before spring) Blue calling batters interference when he is throwing to third would be a MIRACLE!!
They played three games and lost them all. 2-16, 2-5, & 5-7. Catcherdude played second a few times and twice he had some really good plays. The bats really didn't come alive. CD's bat should be buried. LOL.
With 9 AB. 1 Hit. 1 Run. 1 RBI. 3 Strike Out. 1 Stolen Base. His AVG for the weekend .111. Oh well. Shake it off.
Team #1 is off this week for league play. Team #2 plays again Thursday. The the weekend starts another tournament for #1 team.
That is about all I have on the comings and goings around here.
Have a good Monday! I will try to get back to post a Not Me! Monday.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Jon and Kate Comments
Here is migrainemom's blog about this topic and so I will be comment about her post here on my blog as I found I was winded about the topic.

I have watched them and been a fan for a while. Nice family, from what you seen through your TV at least. None of use could really say how this whole thing effected them. It is a shame that when you decide to place yourself in that position people believe they have a right to say and invade your personal space. There is NO reason Paparazzi should be following them around. Really is it anyone business? You or I could got out and
But as far as I am concerned Paparazzi need to stop being in any ones business. How would they like it if their wife and/or husband was followed to a party store, or the hospital to give birth, or buying shoes, etc. It is un-needed! But I will not get on my soap box about Paparazzi and return back to Jon and Kate.
I do agree people are jumping on the ban wagon and not really seen the show. Not necessary ppl. We all have our opinions. But what was very clear on the Season 5 opening .. those are 2 really unhappy ppl. They need to heal. Not be raked over more coals. More rumors. Look what this could possible do to those innocent children. That is not right.
To touch on migrainemom's comment, I do not understand either why other moms need to tear this woman apart. Why we feel the need to tear any mother part. Don't we all (well most level headed, reasonable, moms) do what we feel is the best for our children, husbands, family? Stop over re-acting and jumpin down her throat. Ever thought maybe it was "great" editing on the shows part? Plus with so many down on them her .. sure didn't hurt those ratings. The big season opener of Jon & Kate Plus 8 pulled in 9.8 million viewers, 4 million of which were women in the 18-49 age range. Correct me if I am wrong??? But is that not the range of most moms?
Now for my opinion (since everyone seems to have one) Jon is done with all the lime life. He probably did make wrong choices and those choices decided to cash in. There was one comment Kate made about if she knew what to do to fix this she would.
Is it me or is the answer right there smack in their faces?
STOP! Just stop!
No more books. No more show. She was a nurse and he did .. well whatever he did. Go back to real jobs and no more public. IMO that is what Jon is wanting. Those children are all in school full-time now. Just go back to being normal parents. It is not too late. Sure would some ppl miss the show? Sure. I miss Women’s Murder Club, Canterbury’s Law, and Las Vegas. But the networks aren't going to bring them back. But we live.
I saw what most that watched on a weekly bases. She was getting more and more aggressive, and always on his case. (Again, maybe good editing on the shows part)But when you see the earlier shows there was love, kisses, and smiles. STRESS! That is what that poor family is under and pulling the plug would I bet save a marriage and family of 10.
So there is my ass-essment.
Catcher Dudes Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Prayers for a young child
Please keep this family and child in your thoughts.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
As the Baseball Turns ...
So as far as baseball goes. It was not a pretty week. Can't really expect every game, week to go perfect so you would think just get up and brush it off. Well you would think. But last night was so intense for Catcher Dude. So bad. He actually tried to beat up one of his own pitchers. LOL. Okay. Serious. Not Funny Baseball Mom. Stop. Laughing. (Okay in all fairness, I did not laugh last night.) Then decided he was NOT playing for this second team any longer.
Wait I am getting a head.
Tuesday game. #2 team won 13-4. They had Catcher dude pitch the whole game. He had 10 SO, 3 BB. He actually did really good pitching. As far as batting this game 3 AB, 1 H, 1 RBI, 1 SB. So he definitely struggled there.
Wednesday game. #1 team Won 12-6. CD caught the whole game. (His backup was not there so he didn't have to share) His batting this game as good, but I tell ya he sure gets walked a lot! I am told it is because he has a good eye and doesn't swing at bullshit. But he really doesn't get much to work with. So he walked (no pun intended) away with 4 AB, 4 R, 1 3B, 3 BB, 2 SB. That is the first triple he has hit. So he was really happy about that.
Now that brings us to last nights game. Thursday game. #2 team lost 12-17. Now first of all you read 12-17 and you think that wasn't bad. Ah yes, but there is a little more than that. They were the visiting team. They only played top of the third. The bottom of first they were winning 9-4.
After the top of the 2nd they were winning 11-4. Then the home team batted bottom of the second. Then the nightmare started. Catcher dude had pitched first inning. He struggled. That was for sure. He had 1 BB, and 2 SO. (By the way those were the only SO of the game.) But for whatever reason they decided to go with another pitcher start of the next inning. He walked or HBP most of the runs in.
Changed pitcher, he couldn't keep it out of the dirt. But my blocking machine didn't let any past him (unless way over head, or more on third than over plate Unfortunately he blocked so many his arms are now black and blue, and bleeding in some spots. He snapped and rushed the mound. (I think at that point was 11-10.)
Guess he was going to take blood from his pitcher. Screaming, flaying arms, pointing his finger, throwing equipment off. (that was before he reached mound .. lol) He reached the mound, and more words were said by him, the pitcher just stood there in horror. Luckily the coach came out. QUICK!
They switched pitchers again. It really didn't get any better. Their pitching just sucks, they have no fielding, and BB and HBP isn't any better. After they had went through entire batting order almost 3 times. They got 3 outs. Score now was 11-17. The game was a lost cause. It had been over the 1:45 minute time limit. Was only going into the top of the third. For whatever reason they let the boys bat again. I could still hear CD screaming over there. I was really think .. heart attack .. any minute. 4 batter made it up. 1 run. Blue called it. Final 12-17. BAD!! Really.
The yelling and screaming didn't really stop when he got over to me. I was actually worried about him. I tried calling Dad Dude to see if he could calm him. Not so much. Finally he quieted. But still was so mad. He could not even speak. All he kept saying is it was not worth all the troubles of playing on this little piss-ass rec league team. He quit! Period. Actually in my horror he was cussing and he has never cussed. (Not that I let him I told him.)
He wouldn't eat. Wouldn't drink. He barely let me tend to his bruised and bleeding arms.
I really feel for him. He works so hard, and to see others just not really care, try, it is hard. His mood this morning was not any better. He is still saying he is not returning to this team. *shrug*
He has practice tomorrow and a game Tuesday. I have tried not to say much to him today. Actually he came home today at 9:30 and has been sleeping since about 11. I am hoping this sleep will help him recover.
Poor Catcher Dude!! He carries teams all the time, and they break his heart when they don't step up.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
It's GONE!
What could I possible be so upset about? What happen in the baseball family today?
Catcherdude shaved for the very first time!!
*wiping tears*
Its all over now. His first
There was no talking him (catcher dude) out of it. I tried reasoning. I tried all my speeches. But this time I lost. It is gone. He wouldn't even let me take pictures. *sigh*
It's over now. I cried. Yes you read that right. I cried. Still thinking about it, I get teary eyed. But I am starting to have anger set in. I just might not be kidding about not stepping foot back in the establishment where we have spent many of hours and money in. I just might take business some place else.
So there it is .. another first to add to the growing first list. First foods, First words, First steps, First day of Kindergarten, First shave. *sigh*
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Baseball Highlights
I was going to post each game and thought nah lets just combine and move on. So if you just took these last 3 games this week.
Catcherdude stats would be as follows:
3 Games, 6 AB, 6 R, 5 H, 1 RBI, 1 HBP, 2 BB, 1 SO, 12 SB ... with a OBP .889, SLG .833, and AVG .833
That is INSANE!! This child is on fire!! I can not believe how well his batting has come along. Just took the right coaches and instructors to bring him outta his shell. (Though I would like to
Just to compare from last year. Last year stats on top, this year on bottom. His total SB for last year was 21. He is already at 33 for this year.
He told me last night his goal for SB for the year is 90. LOL. It is in within his reach. He would however have to acquire 3 Stolen Bases a game.
He was applauded last night for his efforts behind the plate. To quote his coach ..
"only 3 balls got past him tonight .. and those 3? Foul tips."
He is my lil blocking machine. Now teach the pitchers to pitch and he probably wouldn't have to block 100+ balls in a night. Just saying ..
So that about does it on the baseball update. Though as I have been typing (8:50 a.m.) this we got a team caller saying we got invited to a tournament that starts tonight, so I am waiting on here if this is going to happen or not.
Of course it is 11:10 now and have heard nadda! DH is/was working OT tonight and would like to know if they are going to play. He won't go work it they are playing. But the team manager always wants a hurry up and answer, and then doesn't pay the same respect.
I don't mind juggling and putting life on hold at the drop of a hat, but please let me know if that is what I am doing .. that's all.
Later ..
update again:
So one teams loss for having to drop out due to injuries, is another teams (ours) treasurer. We are rockin out the door for a last minute add tourney. Poor CD came in dragging wondering why we were all dressed in our game support clothes. He is currently in shower trying to revive himself.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Take me out to the Ball Game .. not so much!!
I am having a hard time even writing about baseball this week. I am just over come with sadness. With Kayleigh losing her fight, and this morning I heard of another little boy who lost his fight. I am just who cares? Baseball? Really how important is that? I am complaining about being tired, that catcher dude is not wanting to get up?
How trivial is that? These poor babies can not play ball. Run. Play with their siblings. Kayleigh never saw the outside of a hospital. But I want to Ramble on about baseball.
Just doesn't seem right.
So to help honor Kayleigh, Catcher Dude and I decided that we are going to join in the releasing of pink Balloons on Sunday May 17. (You can read the entire post here)
Many of you asked if there were something you could do to help and we came up with an idea. On Sunday (May 17th), at 4:00PM(EST) after the memorial, we will be letting off pink balloons in Kayleigh's name. Tied to each balloon will be a card that reads:
Kayleigh Anne Freeman
Our One Pound Miracle from God
(6/23/08 - 5/11/09)
What a lil fighter she was.
So really no updates around here. Just go hug your kids and enjoy them. You just never know what will happen.
Baseball Mom
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Week In Review ...
Tuesday - Catcher dude turned 14. Instead of spending the day with his classmates at a local Rec Plex for their 8th grade day out, he opted to stay home and hang. We went to Dave and Busters. It is like a grown up Chuckie Cheese. Then later that night he finally had his first game with #2 team.
Oy! What can I say about this team. Hmmmm .. they need work. Lots of it. The basics would be a great start. Catch fly balls? Nah! Who would want to do that? Hold a man on? Not for them. Pick off? What is that you say? Catch the ball when thrown to you? What a novel idea. Why didn't I think of that? It doesn't say much when the coach tells your son he is the best option he has for pitcher and catcher, umm and Catcher dude isn't a great pitcher.
Catcher Dude pitched 3 1/2 of the 5 innings played. He BB 3, SO 7, and hit one. LOL. Then caught the other 1 1/2 innings. They are going to have to do something different. He can not pitch and catch that much in a game. Too much on a 14 year old arm. Batting? Well first of all there are so many in line-up (league rules not coaches) and they were not making contact with the ball so 2 AB in 5 innings? Not a good sign. Not great AB's. He had 1H with 2 SB. So Avg for #2 is .500, but brought his over all Avg down. They ended up losing 2 - 12. Not the best way to end a birthday.
Wednesday - Another evening at the ball park. Time for team #1 to step up. They BLEW this game. Period. They were winning 6-4 in the bottom of the 4th. They pull Catcher dude in catching and I am not saying one had to do with the other .. they end up losing 17-6 after 6. *sigh* His batting was not on either. But he did get more AB's this night. 3 AB's, 1 SO, 1 BB, and 3 SB. The teams SO's were up again, 9 total.
So this wasn't the week for baseball. That is for sure!! I will say I will be glad when school is out for summer. These 8:15 games and not getting home until after 11-11:30 are killing us for the morning after.
Thursday & Friday - These were a stay at home day. Really not by choice. I had to return to DR for a complication of the surgery in March. So I was not able to take CD where he probably should have been. Like practice for team #2, or TKD, or whatever is on the multiple growing to do list.
That about sums up the week. Not all that speical. But enough to keep us jumping.
What is on tap this weekend? Well there is many options for today ..
- There is the 5k he signed up for in the school districts Run/Walk. (7:50 am)
- There is team pictures for #2 team. (9 am)
- Also a practice was called for team #2. (After pictures are done)
- Also he is supposed to make-up test for TKD. (12:30 pm)
Do ya think he is a little over booked? Yep! That's my boy!!
Well I have rambled on enough I suppose. Until the next time ...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Happy 14th Birthday Catcher Dude!!
May 5, 2009
Dear Catcher Dude,
My darling son, dear Catcher Dude,
He's best in every way.
Now we celebrate with joy
His big 14th birthday.
Catcher Dude is so special,
No one else on earth
Is sensitive, fun and strong like him,
Or compares in his golden worth.
I'll always remember the day he was born,
Took over 20 hours to show his face.
He always takes his time, my son,
Has such a sense of place.
Right away he was the calmest babe,
such an easy child to raise.
In lots of different ways
Our Catcher Dude can amaze.
The day he went to kindergarten
I cried, the tears did flow.
But brave and independent,
Off to school did Catcher Dude go.
Everyone loves our Catcher Dude,
If there's joy around, he's there.
Such a wonderful little guy,
With a caring, pure world view.
Older than his years in ways,
So very loving and so wise.
When they made strength of character,
They made Catcher Dude up to size.
The deep talks we have together,
Our heart-to-hearts, so bright.
He's just the greatest young man,
He always sheds great light.
You truly are so special,
A miracle from stars above.
Happy birthday, dearest one,
With all our joy and love.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Memphis .. be nice
So yeah, team mom emailed and said:
Hi everyone! Bummer we got rained out...but looked like beautiful fields. People seemed interested in going back because the drive isn't bad. The only other tournament there is June 5-7 weekend. We could bow out of the XYZ tournament if this is what everyone wants to do. Would anyone be interested in going back? We would need to book a hotel throught ZYX this time as they now have a hotel reservation system in place. From what I have checked for availability it would be a ABC Suites facility $109 a night or so. They now have King Suites available. Let me know as soon as possible so they could pencil us in. The list of teams looks very similar to this weekend. Everyone wants to go back to Corky's BBQ, right???!
PS They have an outdoor pool.....
I was less that thrilled to get this email 2 hours after we got back home. Are you kidding me? My first response was HELL NO!! Are you kidding me? Have you lost the mind you carry with you? Did you take a ball to the head? I am not getting back in that car for NOTHING!! I have taken my last road trip!!
But after some deep breathes. Dad dude soothing my flip out. Some bribes. What? I am not to proud to say I can be bribed. I am feeling better about the trip today. But I wonder??? I can leave every thing packed? Do we really need those clothes in the suitcase? lol.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
We ran through rain off and on all day Friday while driving. When we got there it was not raining, but it sure was calling for it. BUT hey! I knew this before I left. We did get out of the hotel once. We took Catcher dude to dinner Friday night. We had some really awesome B-B-Q. The ribs were so delicious. But DH decided we would ride along with another couple and so it was straight there .. straight back.
2 a.m. Saturday morning we were all awaked by the heavy rain, hail (or so it sounded), thunder, and lightening. Oh Joy! Joy! Yeap! Sure were going to play.
5:45 a.m our feet hit the floor to start dressing and getting ready to leave for fields.
6:30 a.m games went on delay until noon. Uh-huh. Sure.
8:00 a.m all games for the day cancelled. Yep! Stay tuned in until 10:30 for final desision if they will cancel whole tournament.
9:30 a.m. You have just wasted the time, money for hotel, gas, etc .. Tournament Cancelled.
Do we still stay? Try to go to a few places in town we orginally wanted to squeeze in? Do we leave? Yes .. No ... Yes .. No Still raining so it will be wet and yuckie to be getting in and out of the car.
11:00 a.m. Back on the road to home.
So that sums up the Baseball Tournament Vacation!
Baseball Mom
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Benching the blog ...
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wordless Wednesday (Flash Back)
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Weekend Catch Up .. Not Me! Monday!
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog.
The MckFamily was given really awesome news today. After 5+ weeks Stellan and her are heading back home. This is the best news.
So my post today will be done in Not Me! Monday Form.
This weekend was yet another busy one around Catcher dudes house. CDD decided he would pick up the extra overtime he normally turns down. So instead of being home Friday & Saturday, I was left to pick up the slack around here by myself. But I certainly did not drop the ball on all sorts of things. Nope! Not Me!
Catcher dudes birthday is just around the corner and he wanted a new bat for his birthday. So I did not spend from Thursday - Saturday googling bats, running from store to store all over town, THEN taking Catcher Dude from store to store. Picking out one bat .. and then deciding on another. Nope! Not Me! I certainly did not spend more on that bat than my truck payment. Nope! Why would I do something like that? (Reminds me of this post)
Then Saturday evening rolled around and though we are heading back out of town and the house is upside down and laundry and packing need to be started I didn't leave that all behind to go with CCD & Catcherdude to park to watch him use his new bat. Nope! Didn't happen that way. I didn't lash out about the cost of said bat when it (and it's owner) preformed HORRIBLE!! Making me wish I had just waited for dad dude to do all the baseball bat hunting. Nope! I wasn't secretly wishing there was a way to return a used bat. I was NOT plotting how this could be done.
Then Sunday rolled in and it was double header day. The weather was wonderful. It thought definitely was not so windy I was eating dirt stuck in my gum, and having to remove one of my contacts and place in CDD sunglasse case. Nope! That wasn't me.
The first game the boys struggled. With a lost of 10-3. Catcherdude's first @ bat .. oh lordy!! He "K". Then I really wasn't cursing and thinking, "Dump that POS bat!" Nah! I wouldn't do or say something to make Catcherdude feel horrible about his choice. (I later felt really bad about this) He did have 3 more AB. Which is good. Never see 4 AB in a game. He did have better AB after the first one. He got 2 1B, 2 stolen bases, and 1 R. So pretty good.
Second game they came out victorious. Winning 13-9. This time CD doubled, 1 SB, and 2 BB. So maybe the bat will be earning it's keep. We will see what magic it will bring lil man CD this weekend on his out-of-town tourney.
Now I am:
* Not procrastinating and not getting things all ready to go.
* I am not behind.
* I have finished shopping for CD's Birthday (that we are celebrating while gone)
* I have ordered the cookies for said birthday for team.
* I am not sitting here trying to think of more items just so I don't have to go load dishes and unload and reload laundry ....
Nope! Not Me!
Oh last item then I will have to move it .. move it ...
Catchers white jersey .. the numbers bled all over it and I tried and tried to get it out. I took it back to the store where the team ordered and received them. At first they were going to replace it. Then they called earlier and said it was "laundry error" and are charging me the $60 to replace it. I am totally Peeed Off about this.
Laundry Error my as- butt! I wash that in cold water. No colors. I know how to wash a dam- darn JERSEY!! I first agreed to it. But after talking to listening to CDD yell and fuss about how in the last year we have spent over $700 in that store on bats alone, not counting uniforms, batting helmets, gloves, etc .. and we just will take the bled white jersey and will think twice before stepping foot back in their store.
Now as a mom I have mixed emotions about this. I hate to think of him having to wear the awful mess of a jersey. But I see CDD's point too. *sigh* I am not sure what I will do. He told me to call her back in the a.m. I just don't know what to do.
Well All my chores are calling and I just remembered it is Medium night.
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Life of a Baseball Player's Mom
I used to have a normal life. (Actually, my friends and family say the sentence should say, "I used to have a life, period".) It doesn't really seem all that long ago... Then I became the mother of a baseball player.
I used to think anything over $40 was an exorbitant price for a baseball bat and say things like, "I'm never paying that much for a glove!" Now the contents of my son's equipment bag are worth more than everything else in the house.
I used to work 8-5 and think I was over-worked and under-paid. Then I quit work so my child could have a full time maid, nanny, and chauffeur and now I often think 8-5 wasn't so bad. Now my husband is the sole bread winner in the family. (You have to keep a good paycheck coming in if you want to support a baseball habit!)
I used to look for cute little restaurants that served great Mexican. Now I'm a connoisseur of nachos and hot dogs and rate a city by the quality of their baseball fields' concession stand!
Sunflower seeds used to be something I would see at a store and think "Who eats those things?" Now I know who eats them because they're everywhere! In every pants pocket, in the washing machine, all over the car.....
My lawn used to be like carpet. I had plants and pretty flowers in the yard and in pots. The grass was green and mowed. Now I have bare spots 50 feet apart, artificial plants and flowers, and dents in every thing around the house that can't move out of the way of a fastball!!
My car used to draw admiring looks. It was clean, waxed, and shiny. Now it only draws attention when it wins the "dirtiest car" prize and the kids write "Wash Me" in the rear glass. After we load the bat bag, the lawn chairs, the umbrellas (just in case it rains), the blankets (it gets cool when the sun goes down), the coolers, and the water bottles, there's barely room for us.
I used to have a garage. Now I have a covered batting area, poles to wrap the hit-away around, and I'm lucky if I can fit the front of my car in at least far enough to keep the front seat in the shade or me from getting wet when I get out. If I can get out, I get to climb over whatever ball equipment, hitting machine, ball bag, and/or cleats are stored in the garage to keep them from getting wet.
My friends and I used to spend time talking about the new outfit we bought or movie we had just seen. Now I bore them to death with detailed play-by-play descriptions of five or six ball games.
My summer wardrobe used to consist of breezy little sun dresses in bright colors, strappy little sandals, and the occasional frilly shirt. Now I have a closet full of the coolest, thinnest shirts I can wear without being arrested, the most comfortable shoes I can find, and T-shirts that have baseball team names on the front.
We used to spend our summer vacation relaxing. Now I have no vacation or what vacation I have is hitting the road with other parents in a caravan that could rival some small town parades.
I used to be concerned that I would fall into the trap of living my life through my children. Now I know that I'm privileged to live my life WITH my children.
Yes, I'm a Baseball Mom and I wouldn't trade it for anything! Of course in July when it's 100 degrees in the shade, REMIND ME OF THAT!!
Here's to our kids and baseball!!
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thursday = Get busy
So first things first since being asked a few times how Catcher Dude is. I will update from this post.
The Sports Doctor got him right in. We love Dr. H. I found gold when I decided to put him on team
So he quickly got him in. No questions asked. No fighting. Just yep! Get him here. He is very proactive as am I. Will not risk a moment questioning he may not need to be seen. {sorry realized I was rambling .. get to point}
Yes Catcher Dude did pull a muscle. But thankfully it was not in the groin, and only had to rest, ice, and stretch it, Tylenol if needed, and no activities until Sunday when they are scheduled to play again. So *wiping off brow* that was a close one. But certainly not as bad as we first thought.
Thanks for the concern.
Now for the rest of life around here. I am some what behind. I have been fighting headaches and just no get up and go this week. I did get the pants back to their pretty white self. Only to be
Now the bag in the garage needs to be tackled. But I was waiting for warmer weather before I go out and play in water. So that is one of my plans for
Laundry and basic household pick up, wipe down, run dishwasher, etc. type things also needs to be accomplised. I don't want to be trying to run around at last minute to do those all in one day next week, plus pack. But really most items are still in suitcase. Why undo? Just wash and replace I say.
What else? ... Oh I am feeling better. Still have some moments of *ouch*. But better and better as the days go on. I do have some concerns on the driving/riding next week. Little further drive this time, and I was dying after the 90 minutes before. But I also should have taken dad dude & Catcher dudes advice and laid in back seat. So probably I will this time. Take advantage of watching a movie. :-D
I also have been thinking about having a giveaway here. All the
Well I have been trying to blog, twitter, laundry, and phone calls all at the sametime. I think I best get full attention in one thing and move on.
Happy Thursday!!
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wordless Wednesday .. Repeat
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Showering Sunday ..
What a weekend. So I sucked in and loaded up and went to the baseball tournament. I was still swearing Friday I was not going to go. But Catcherdude batting (no pun intended) those eyes at me. I just didn't have the heart to tell him no.
But by the time we drove there (approx. 1.5 hours) I was dying!! I was glad we left early enough we could check in at hotel and I could lay down for a while. That was about the only time I had troubles all weekend.
The boys played one game Friday night. They won that game 8-5. That would be the last win, and last dry moment we would have at the fields all weekend.
The first game on Saturday they lost 0-5. It rained through the whole game. Ugh! The the injuries started. First an OF was at bat, lost footing in batters box, pulled side and down groin. Ouch! Then Catcher Dude went to throw someone stealing second. He lost footing, and pulled groin. He went down! He tried to finish. He didn't want to be pulled out. But he went to pop-up and throw again, and his face said it all. So now he is pulled. But even if injured you have to take your AB (At Bat) or take an out. Dumb rule, but he and the other boy managed. Then change of pitchers happened and after a few batters, the pitcher lost his footing, slipped, and fell on pitching arm. Now the coach is fuming and goes after blue. They really should have stopped the game. But they didn't have the authority. Those of the powers to be could not be reached. Of Course!!
Then the second game starts. They had back to back games. Still raining. Lost again 2-11. Catcher Dude was not allowed to play. But still batted. He actually did well considering. He walked and doubled with an RBI. So that was good. But we were so wet and muddy after that. The weekend had turned on us for sure at this point. By the time we were done, the rain had stopped, but the fields would not recover.
Today the played one more game. Right before leaving for game, you guessed it .. rain started again. LOL. They lost again. 1-5. We were done. We carried so much wet, yucky, muddy crap back it was terrible.
Catcherdudes bag which is NEVER, ever, EVER allowed in the garage. Is sitting in the garage as it is to wet and full of mud to be in house. The white pants? They will never recover.
We are of course home now. It is raining here now (of course). I will have to call Sports Doctor tomorrow and get CD in to see what is what. *sigh* I hope he is not out for the season now.
It rained so much I really never got any good pictures. I even took my really good camera. But I never managed to get it out. Guess I should have Friday.

~*~*~ Getting Ready to Play ~*~*~

~*~*~ Dugout ~*~*~

~*~*~ Batter Up! ~*~*~

~*~*~ Run ... ~*~*~

~*~*~ Enough is enough! Let's get out of here.~*~*~
So like I said I will call Dr. in the a.m. Get him in, and we will go from there. I so hope the season is not lost!!
Meanwhile I totally need a
Baseball Mom
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wordless Wednesday .. Game Day!

Tonight Game #2 of the season. Wish it was warmer. Wish I felt better. Wish dad dude could be there. Oh well. Make the best of what we got. Practice went fairly well last night. I just wish the boys (excluding 2) would learn to get the bunt down. Ugh! How many times do you have to go over it already. How old are you? 13!
Let's see how tonight goes. I have so much to do before Friday and it is already Wednesday. This is NOT good!! I am thinking it might not all get done. But we will see.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Monday catch up
Slept the entire day away. I got up took dad dude to school, and came back. I told catcher dude he needed to get up. He couldn't sleep the day way. He would not sleep tonight. Well I told him all this. Told him he had 10 minutes, then get up, shower, and start the day. Yeah! That was at 9 a.m. Next thing I know my cell is ringing. It is 1:30 p.m. YIKES!!
Oh well. What can you do about? Just move on.
I did take
Me: "Did you call to check balance?"
CD: "I don't need to, I have not used it."
Me: "Okay, but you will need to hurry. I am still not feeling up to being out."
After a long time. He finally found some that fit. I am really tired of these stores and the sizes not fitting him. Go back to Target and Wal-Mart. For crying out loud!! So he decides he is going to spend the whole card. He got the swim trucks, a pair of shorts, and a hat (WTF? Another one?) Anyway we get to check out ..
He swipes his card. Balance due $48. Um, what? There was only 9 and some change on that card. I was livid. But more embarrassed than anything. It took the forever!! To get his card re-charged. They finally realized they could not credit back under $10 to gift card. The line backed up forever! I was in so much pain!! What a nightmare. They finally gave him a store credit and I got the hell out dodge.
Just for not calling .. I should NOT see he gets any trucks for the weekend. Besides, are they there to swim or play ball? Just saying .. just saying ..
So chalk it up to yet another time you should not listen to a teenager!! LOL
Baseball Mom
Saturday, April 11, 2009
and it rains

Well what a way to ruin a mood. This rain is the pits! I
UGH! I get so flush straighted at this. Same cycle every year.
The tournament re-schedule for today from last Sunday is CANCELLED. So the boys will take second place in this tournament and will receive trophies. So least they walked away with something after all the PITA weather.
There is less than a week until out of town tournament. Looks like mom will stay on the DL and have to camp out at home. I am really bummed out. I thought I would be feeling better than this 3 weeks out. Oh Well. What can you do?
On the slim to none chance I will go with them the boys are going to have to kick it into gear and get the house back in order. I am not having someone come in to care for Dakota (our dog) and the house upside down.
I did something I usually do not do the other day. I bought a book. Usually I just request at library and wait. But I really am bored. (Though since then I have learned a lil about Twittering and I can use catcherdudes ipod from bed) So I had Catcher Dude run into Books-A-Million and purchase Safe at Home: Confessions of a Baseball Fanatic so far it is really good. I was not aware Alyssa Milano is such a baseball fanatic. Her new clothing line is really nice to. So anyway we shall see. Only about 25 pages in (thanks Twitter! lol) but I like what I have read so far.
Okay time to switch positions again.
Baseball Mom
Thursday, April 9, 2009
MIA .. Opening Day
So BASEBALL!! Yep! It is here. Here in 50 degree temps (and lower) but it is here.
The #1 team started a tournament last weekend, but it was rained out on Sunday. So postponed until this Saturday. They are currently in second place. So lets hope they hang onto that or take first, which ever works for me. Though if it rains out again they will place second, and receive trophies.

So Opening Day was yesterday for Catcher Dudes #1 Team League. (Team #2 opening day is not until May .. *rolling eyes*) The boys played terrific. Though temps are still not great around here. Come on SPRING!! SPRUNG already! Gezz!! Catcher Dude really is having a great start.
Catcher Dude has NO pass balls. But the BIG thing for him .. he has thrown 2 people out stealing second. He is coming right along. His arm is recovering nicely. 90 feet doesn't seem to be causing a problem. So I am as proud as can be. It is his goal this year to make it impossible for them to put in the backup catcher. [I admit it .. my kid doesn't like to share. LOL]The won 10-0 last night. The boys goal is to keep Strike Outs down to 5 a game. Saturdays game they had 13. Oh boy! Last night it was 7. They are getting closer to their goal.
I didn't get any pictures last night but here is another favorite of mine of our dear Coach Max. The boys really miss him. I will take a picture of the patch they are wearing in his memory soon.
So I suppose that is all the updates I have so far. Tonight is practice for #2. They really need to get their boys in line. They have not yet had all boys show up for practice yet. How can you improve if you don't practice? Practice as a team? You can not!!