Even Catcher Dude played rough, well his batting. He usually doesn't have a bad game behind the plate. His throw to second could be better. (Actually it better get better before spring) Blue calling batters interference when he is throwing to third would be a MIRACLE!!
They played three games and lost them all. 2-16, 2-5, & 5-7. Catcherdude played second a few times and twice he had some really good plays. The bats really didn't come alive. CD's bat should be buried. LOL.
With 9 AB. 1 Hit. 1 Run. 1 RBI. 3 Strike Out. 1 Stolen Base. His AVG for the weekend .111. Oh well. Shake it off.
Team #1 is off this week for league play. Team #2 plays again Thursday. The the weekend starts another tournament for #1 team.
That is about all I have on the comings and goings around here.
Have a good Monday! I will try to get back to post a Not Me! Monday.
Too bad they lost their games.. but the important thing is that they have fun, right. LOL!
Is it sad that I have to constantly refer to the baseball geek speak to figure out what is going on? Basball I know nothing of.
Sounds like it was a busy weekend. As long as everyone had fun it was worth it right? :)
Oh wow, what a schedule...
My blog roll isn't updating correctly. Grrr.
Hey, I lost your address and you are the only Mr. Clean winner I haven't shipped to! Sorry, I couldn't get it out before we left for the river.
When I got back I couldn't find your address or email/strange.... Please email it to me so I can send your prize (I didn't take you out, cuz' you played)
Blogger ate my comment! Hey, FYI, you won one of the Mr. Clean erasers but I couldn't get them mailed out until we got back from the Frio.
Then, I couldn't find your address (or your email in my ymail) Weird. Lots of weird cyber stuff going on here lately.
Anyhow, email me your address again please:
And, do you even get a summer break??LOL!
Great BBMom you are!
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