Here is migrainemom's blog about this topic and so I will be comment about her post here on my blog as I found I was winded about the topic.

I have watched them and been a fan for a while. Nice family, from what you seen through your TV at least. None of use could really say how this whole thing effected them. It is a shame that when you decide to place yourself in that position people believe they have a right to say and invade your personal space. There is NO reason Paparazzi should be following them around. Really is it anyone business? You or I could got out and
But as far as I am concerned Paparazzi need to stop being in any ones business. How would they like it if their wife and/or husband was followed to a party store, or the hospital to give birth, or buying shoes, etc. It is un-needed! But I will not get on my soap box about Paparazzi and return back to Jon and Kate.
I do agree people are jumping on the ban wagon and not really seen the show. Not necessary ppl. We all have our opinions. But what was very clear on the Season 5 opening .. those are 2 really unhappy ppl. They need to heal. Not be raked over more coals. More rumors. Look what this could possible do to those innocent children. That is not right.
To touch on migrainemom's comment, I do not understand either why other moms need to tear this woman apart. Why we feel the need to tear any mother part. Don't we all (well most level headed, reasonable, moms) do what we feel is the best for our children, husbands, family? Stop over re-acting and jumpin down her throat. Ever thought maybe it was "great" editing on the shows part? Plus with so many down on them her .. sure didn't hurt those ratings. The big season opener of Jon & Kate Plus 8 pulled in 9.8 million viewers, 4 million of which were women in the 18-49 age range. Correct me if I am wrong??? But is that not the range of most moms?
Now for my opinion (since everyone seems to have one) Jon is done with all the lime life. He probably did make wrong choices and those choices decided to cash in. There was one comment Kate made about if she knew what to do to fix this she would.
Is it me or is the answer right there smack in their faces?
STOP! Just stop!
No more books. No more show. She was a nurse and he did .. well whatever he did. Go back to real jobs and no more public. IMO that is what Jon is wanting. Those children are all in school full-time now. Just go back to being normal parents. It is not too late. Sure would some ppl miss the show? Sure. I miss Women’s Murder Club, Canterbury’s Law, and Las Vegas. But the networks aren't going to bring them back. But we live.
I saw what most that watched on a weekly bases. She was getting more and more aggressive, and always on his case. (Again, maybe good editing on the shows part)But when you see the earlier shows there was love, kisses, and smiles. STRESS! That is what that poor family is under and pulling the plug would I bet save a marriage and family of 10.
So there is my ass-essment.
Catcher Dudes Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Yes Ma'am. I don't watch this but I do know that along with the pros and money that comes with becoming public and famous are also cons that drag things down.
It's very easy for any of us to sit and judge from our couch with our remote in hand.
Hey, BTW, You are a WINNER at my place. No, I didn't take you out just because you were lucky enough to get one in the mail.
Now you'll have TWO! Email me with your address so I can mail it out!!!
I have never seen this show. I haven't even heard of it, so i don't know what happened. But I have a real problem with reality shows -- they tend to bring out the worst in people, and I hate that.
Well, I disagree. When you decide to use your family - your children - as a commodity, there is a price to be paid.
I think it's EXTREMELY selfish to want to be famous - to earn millions of dollars - to make your life public - but only when it's convenient and you can portray the picture you want.
For the record, I've seen the show maybe twice. Reality TV just doesn't do it for me, and this is just one of the reasons.
well, it would be very stressful indeed, and out of control, right? At least on a blog you're in control!
I feel honored to be "quoted"! :) I like your take on it. I was reading a psychologists take on it today and she felt like they could save the marriage if they were both willing to do the work. I think we all just need to leave them alone and let them work on your blog by the way...I'll be back..
great thoughts!
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