I am just so mad this morning I can seriously not see straight. My head is actually in a cloud. I am so torn as to what to do. My head and heart are at war.
Last week was Spirit week at school. There was as much "unapproved" activies as there was approved. I was not happy about this at all. I kept quiet at the request of Catcherdude. But I really had a safety issue for several of the kids. But so not to upset, embarrass, what ever, I kept mums. Yeah! Famous last words there.
Now I can not say what was or was not going on with the other teams and organizations but the XC team crossed many lines, and trust me it was NOT a finish line!! The upperclassman's famous form of "prank" was to give wedgies. But worse than that to pull to ripe them off the student. To quote them, "Ripe um". There was one student they riped his off everyday. But this was just "harmless" fun. So I was told. But then as the week progressed there were students being hurt. They picked one off the ground trying to get his to ripe off. When they finally gave way they "accidentally" dropped the kid. Causing bloody knees and elbows. He was not even able to compete in their meet Friday. But never said a word about what was happening. Coaches are not around when they are jogging to and from park and in locker room. There was not one kid who would come forward. The mom of the hurt child really wanted to go to school. But her son talked her out of it.
Just as mine all week told me to leave it be.
Blue paint in hair .. leave it be mom. Only one week.
Marker down sleeve of hoodie. Leave it be mom.
There were several attempts on "riping" son. But his TKD paid off. They walked away saying he was to much of a fighter. Still it just sat in the pit of my stomach. But we got through the week.
or so we thought ......
Yesterday they were coming in the locker room from practice and 9 of them jumped Catcherdude. They finally got him knocked to the ground. But in process they managed to hurt him. He actually got hurt worse than those last week. He certainly will not be competing this week. I lost all cool .. he was a mess when I met up with him later. Which was another thing he never mentioned to me what happened when I spoke to his several times after practice. Only when I walked into the PUBLIC LIBRARY to drop off a flash drive to him did I see what happen. Where was any adults? Where was all this security this school employees? So my first response was to go back to the school as find an admin. But they all go home at 3:30.
Catcherdude will not give up the names. This is assault. Period. But again not wanting to make waves. Will not say a word. As we are bandaging his bloody mess of an arm this morning still beg, borrow, and pleading that I do not say or do.
This just does not seem "normal" a look the other way type of issue. But like I started, my head and heart are at war. *sigh*
Baseball Mom
Criminy. 9 GUYS to jump him?
What Chicken-sh!ts.
This is as bad as all the drive-by shootings that have been happening in the city we all live outside of. Boy, they are big, tough, guys, huh?
Ganging up on 1 boy. Or, shooting their gun from a moving vehicle -- this crap today is really rubbing me raw.
If you make a ruckus it will backfire all over your CD, but still -- how is this fair or healthy for anyone.
I'm with you. I am stark, raving, crazy mad that this happened to your son -- with no one held accountable.
Keep us posted on what/how/or not -- things go forward. In my thoughts, Gal.
Part of my comment got cut off the top -- it was an angry Mama bear growl anyhow.
Sorry for the foul language -- this just got me super heated up....
that's one of the worst assaults I have ever heard of in school!
This has not happened to Austin yet although unexpected it to but like ivhave been told to keep quiet if it does - I will lose it - Kadie already had to threaten some boy over her brother and I was glad she was there because they would put me in jail for assault after I kicked the kids ass and the mamas and the daddys - I am a firm believer in kids emulate their parents and these kids are learning this unacceptable behaviour from the parents - which is ridiculous ! And not to mention unacceptable!!! Sorry u touched a nerve lol -
When I read through this, I had the same feelings all of you did. It's disgusting it goes on and frustrating when your hands are tied. So I asked for the male opinion and got the shoulder shrug. Ugh! I really don't understand men. He agrees it's bad, but if CD doesn't want to name names then he has to fight his own battles. I don't like this answer, but I think as moms we have to live with these things sometimes. I would hope that if it was to the point that players were being injured and not able to play that the coach, at least, would get involved.
I'm sorry you even have to deal with this. I hate that these things go on even with all the "no bullying" the schools harp about. I hope CD is feeling better soon.
Man, this sucks Sorry you have to deal with it. I'd be ready to go straight to the police-screw the school.
I'm truly speechless! wow.
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