Iowa? I could have sworn this was heaven.
Damn fool plowing under his corn field ...
Our practice game last night was in the middle of a corn field. I kid you not!!

Look at that scenery? Breathe taking ...

Time out! Chicks on the field ...

Cornfield behind the outfield. I kept wondering if Shoeless Joe Jackson would come out of there. LOL
Though I was not happy with the drive time for a PRACTICE game mind you, not a game. The weather was wonderful last night. The scenery was breathe taking. Boys had a good time. Little more goofing off than Catcherdude likes. He is just serious 100% of the time on a field. But it certainly was interesting.
We have been so busy around here. I got my giveaway from Farmer's wife and as promised I am going to Vlog it. But time .. tick-tock! Today I am hoping for a minute. I could do right now. But seriously? I do need to put my face and clothes on. Really don't want to scare ya'll.
Happy Thursday. Hopefully I will be back with a Vlog after while.
Baseball Mom
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Build it and they will come :)
cmon dont have time? what do you do all day?? wink
I have been way lax in my blogging duties as ya get out of me the last couple weeks is some tweets....
too much crap going on...
Whaaaaa! Where's the vlog! You are such a cute vloggie-mom!
I do understand the whole time issue; it took me two days to get here to read this post!
Happy 4th!!!!
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