Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy Saturday!!

Well there has been no baseball and I still can not seem to come do any updates. Y/day catcherdude & I stole some fun time away. I took him to the amusement park. We only spent half a day there. But that was enough for me. It was fun hanging out with my teen and not having the famous "teen attitude" LOL. Though I sat more than I rode. It was HOT, oh Sh!t Hot. But it was fun. Then end of the night we were riding this one roller coaster over and over and had the whole train to ourselves. LOL. It was fun to just hang out and not be at baseball or him having this I have to act a certain way because I am a teenager butt. LOL

He even thanked me several times for bring him. :) It is even nicer to put up with unbearable conditions when you are appreciated and thanked without prompting. :)

Some how I do not believe the day will go as nice July 6 when I take my mother, niece, son, and a friend of his, all day. But we will see. Nice thing we got a room at the hotel next to the park. Mom or niece get out of hand I will banish them to their room. LOL.

Well looks like Catcherdude make plans to go back today so I need to boggie on outta here.

Happy Saturday!!

Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

1 comment:

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

I'm peeved. I think I commented to this post and it got ate.. Grrrr, diddle!

Anyhow, so awesome to have a great play date with your kid and him be awesome back to ya!

It's hard for the teens... And, the Moms....