So BASEBALL!! Yep! It is here. Here in 50 degree temps (and lower) but it is here.
The #1 team started a tournament last weekend, but it was rained out on Sunday. So postponed until this Saturday. They are currently in second place. So lets hope they hang onto that or take first, which ever works for me. Though if it rains out again they will place second, and receive trophies.

So Opening Day was yesterday for Catcher Dudes #1 Team League. (Team #2 opening day is not until May .. *rolling eyes*) The boys played terrific. Though temps are still not great around here. Come on SPRING!! SPRUNG already! Gezz!! Catcher Dude really is having a great start.
Catcher Dude has NO pass balls. But the BIG thing for him .. he has thrown 2 people out stealing second. He is coming right along. His arm is recovering nicely. 90 feet doesn't seem to be causing a problem. So I am as proud as can be. It is his goal this year to make it impossible for them to put in the backup catcher. [I admit it .. my kid doesn't like to share. LOL]The won 10-0 last night. The boys goal is to keep Strike Outs down to 5 a game. Saturdays game they had 13. Oh boy! Last night it was 7. They are getting closer to their goal.
I didn't get any pictures last night but here is another favorite of mine of our dear Coach Max. The boys really miss him. I will take a picture of the patch they are wearing in his memory soon.
So I suppose that is all the updates I have so far. Tonight is practice for #2. They really need to get their boys in line. They have not yet had all boys show up for practice yet. How can you improve if you don't practice? Practice as a team? You can not!!
Glad to hear from you again B.Mom!
I watched a baseball game all the way through ONCE! I was sitting in Wrigley Field. The game was so boring that by the 6th inning our entire section was rooting for ANYONE who hit a pop fly because it was a quick out! Sorry... baseball season doesn't do it for me... but I hope you have a blast!! Take your sunscreen and a blanket because the weather is clearly bi-polar these days!
Welcome Back! I sure hope all this surgery and pain mess is cleared up for you soon!
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