Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday? Already?

The weekends are just a blur anymore. We pack so much into two days it is getting to be a little overwhelming. Saturday catcher dude had a double header. We spent 6 hours at the ballpark. What a long day.

First game went 5 innings. They lost 6-9. Kid caught most of this game.

Second game went 5 innings. They won 12-11. Kid played field most of this game. TG! They didn't have him pitch. I do not like him pitching and this team likes to have him pitch.

Sunday we had a game with the other team. I really messed this up. I got the time wrong. I thought we had a 2 o'clock game, and in fact it was a noon game. So he was late by 15 minutes. *oy* this was not okay. Not with catcher dude, DH, or even myself.

He quickly was put in catching. Caught the rest of the game. They lost 8-9. Bummer. The tournament resumes Wednesday. They play Wednesday, Saturday, and twice on Sunday.

Tryouts for Spring 2008 will start on Saturday October 8. So off to the drawing board again. Private lessons start in 3 weeks. Time is just flying.

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