Saturday, September 1, 2007

Incentive time

A friend came up with this idea for her children, and I fell in love with it so much I decided to adapt this for us.

My son is not the best reader. He will get out of reading to save his life. So to see if I can get kid to read by by giving him an incentive, note bribe. LOL. We purchased a thermometer goal poster (you know the thing you see people use when they are trying to raise money) to fill out for every page that is read. Then I am sponsoring him a certain amount of money for every page that is read. So everyday he reads he will color in the thermometer with how many pages he read. If he meets his goal in the time allotted he can cash in his pages for cash.

I also asked my mother if she wanted to help in this and

So this is how it will all break down:

Starting : Saturday September 1, 2007
Ending: Saturday May 31, 2008
Goal: 5,000 pages

As of right now the sponsorship stands:
Me: 3.5 cents per page
Dh: 2 cents per page
My mother: 5 cents per page

So if he makes his goal, he stands to make $525. But again this falls directly on him. No reminders. This is his responibility. So we will see.

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