Monday, July 9, 2012

Heat Wave BROKE

Heat Wave finally broke. It has been horrible. I can not wait (yeah really can) for the electric bill to come in for this.

10 long days. It's been 10 consecutive days at 100 or hotter. That's 2nd best to the record for consecutive days of 100 or hotter of 13 set in 1936. The hottest of this stretch was Thursday June 28th at 108 (the hottest day since the 1950s). 8 of those 10 days set record high temperatures. Also, this is the warmest start to a year on record (through July 7th)

And all this comes after last year's 4th hottest summer on record and 2010's 5th hottest summer on record.

Below are the daily highs for this heat wave with an R next to any new record high temperatures for that day:
June 28= 108 R
June 29= 106 R
June 30= 105 R
July 1st= 102
July 2nd= 100
July 3rd= 101 R
July 4th= 105 R
July 5th= 105 R
Julu 6th= 106 R
July 7th= 107 R

Only at 81 so far today. That is great!!

Just Me
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