Friday, August 20, 2010

The Catcher Report ..

This week was the first week of school, and for the first time in 11 years I could tell you nothing about it. Good, bad, indifferent, that is just how it is. Seems for right now I have let go. I didn't insist I go pick him up everyday after practice. (so as to drill him .. got everything, books, homework, running stuff, etc, etc) I didn't call out as getting out of the car in the morning. (have your stuff, don't forget blah & blah) He either did his work, or he didn't I let it go. I am very impressed. I did well. *self pat on back*


XC is in full swing. Meets start Saturday. CD is really excited about this upcoming season. On one hand I am, but on the other. Well we all know what happen last season. (HERE & HERE) Now do I believe these boys are dumb enough for a repeat, NO! But really it never blew over that CD had nothing to do with it all. Well, he (nor I) had nothing to do with the email. It is just hard to let it go (for me) as they really made his freshman year a little more saucy than necessary.

Plus I was told right at the end of school by a few parents the parties that were guilty for the letter was bragging how she planned it the way she did to make us, Catcherdude and I, look like the guilty party. Hmmm really? Let's just say this mamma better stay away from me at the meets. There is 3.1 miles of ground. Go find some NOT next to me. :)


Tryout will resume this Sunday for Summer 2011 Baseball. His finger is still giving him fits. So I hope this is not putting his chances in danger. But really? He broke the thing playing for you. You should take that into consideration. Butts! This week & next then they will make their selections.


Finally last item, and my ramble is done. This past weekend we had to replace the entire furnace and air conditioning system in the house. Oh not what I was planning for the money. But hopefully this will help with lots of things.

Baseball Mom
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1 comment:

Dana said...

Letting go is difficult, but we really do our kids a disservice when we don't. Not only are we stunting their emotional growth, but we are sending them a message that they aren't smart enough - capable enough - to be independent.

Just keep reminding yourself of that ...