Friday, April 24, 2009

The Life of a Baseball Player's Mom

~~was cleaning out some email this morning and ran across this from a friend that sent it to me. I am not sure where she got it but -- there are so many I could add~~

I used to have a normal life. (Actually, my friends and family say the sentence should say, "I used to have a life, period".) It doesn't really seem all that long ago... Then I became the mother of a baseball player.

I used to think anything over $40 was an exorbitant price for a baseball bat and say things like, "I'm never paying that much for a glove!" Now the contents of my son's equipment bag are worth more than everything else in the house.

I used to work 8-5 and think I was over-worked and under-paid. Then I quit work so my child could have a full time maid, nanny, and chauffeur and now I often think 8-5 wasn't so bad. Now my husband is the sole bread winner in the family. (You have to keep a good paycheck coming in if you want to support a baseball habit!)

I used to look for cute little restaurants that served great Mexican. Now I'm a connoisseur of nachos and hot dogs and rate a city by the quality of their baseball fields' concession stand!

Sunflower seeds used to be something I would see at a store and think "Who eats those things?" Now I know who eats them because they're everywhere! In every pants pocket, in the washing machine, all over the car.....

My lawn used to be like carpet. I had plants and pretty flowers in the yard and in pots. The grass was green and mowed. Now I have bare spots 50 feet apart, artificial plants and flowers, and dents in every thing around the house that can't move out of the way of a fastball!!

My car used to draw admiring looks. It was clean, waxed, and shiny. Now it only draws attention when it wins the "dirtiest car" prize and the kids write "Wash Me" in the rear glass. After we load the bat bag, the lawn chairs, the umbrellas (just in case it rains), the blankets (it gets cool when the sun goes down), the coolers, and the water bottles, there's barely room for us.

I used to have a garage. Now I have a covered batting area, poles to wrap the hit-away around, and I'm lucky if I can fit the front of my car in at least far enough to keep the front seat in the shade or me from getting wet when I get out. If I can get out, I get to climb over whatever ball equipment, hitting machine, ball bag, and/or cleats are stored in the garage to keep them from getting wet.

My friends and I used to spend time talking about the new outfit we bought or movie we had just seen. Now I bore them to death with detailed play-by-play descriptions of five or six ball games.

My summer wardrobe used to consist of breezy little sun dresses in bright colors, strappy little sandals, and the occasional frilly shirt. Now I have a closet full of the coolest, thinnest shirts I can wear without being arrested, the most comfortable shoes I can find, and T-shirts that have baseball team names on the front.

We used to spend our summer vacation relaxing. Now I have no vacation or what vacation I have is hitting the road with other parents in a caravan that could rival some small town parades.

I used to be concerned that I would fall into the trap of living my life through my children. Now I know that I'm privileged to live my life WITH my children.

Yes, I'm a Baseball Mom and I wouldn't trade it for anything! Of course in July when it's 100 degrees in the shade, REMIND ME OF THAT!!

Here's to our kids and baseball!!

Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Oh I hate to be the one to break it to you, but the weather forecast is calling for 30-40% chance of rain Wed - Sunday... I hope for your sake it doesn't, and that is for Knoxville area too.. not sure where you will be headed.