Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday Twenty

twenty things about me...
  1. i love my son more then i ever thought i could, would, or will love someone.
  2. i have 1 dog, dakota
  3. i love to shop
  4. i love to crochet
  5. we need a bigger house
  6. i really don't have irl friend
  7. i am addicted to internet
  8. i love to read janet evanovich novels
  9. my most favorite thing in the world is hanging out with son
  10. oh! i love my hubby too.
  11. i secretly want to move away from all my family
  12. i can not stand my sister
  13. i have been married almost 16 years
  14. recently started doing sudoku puzzles
  15. fall is my favorite season
  16. i still sometimes don't feel like a grown-up
  17. i hate drinking water despite how good i know it is to do so
  18. i love candles, air freshers, plug-ins, etc.
  19. my toilet water has to be blue .. i buy tablets in bulk
  20. i love quoting movies

1 comment:

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

I have two dogs
I used to crochet
U need U and IRL, BFF
I'm addicted to my LT "Macxine"
Maxcine's addicted to the internet
Been married 9 1/2 yrs
Like sodoku, don't do it often
i like water; especially with barley and hops
I like my toilet water clear; with the scent of bleach

Happy Tuesday to Ya!