Monday, August 11, 2008

First Day .. not a repeat

So CD was rooting for another school starting repeat. (Last August) But the first day started and of course with many hitches. CD's plans were to get up at 6. He was going to workout, shower, eat, and catch bus at 7:23. Yeah! He got up at 7:15, barely ran comb through hair and was out the door. *sigh* Guess this is what it will be like all school year. As any school year forms into be.

So he is off and 8th grade is on it's way to being 1 less day. *sigh* So now here mom sits lost as usual. Yes it is the same start of another school year. I will find something to occupy my time. Actually if I can get the okay I am going to possible look for a job this year. Though I will miss being able to help out around school. But money and passing the time in a much better use probably is better for me.

Well this blog is not going anywhere so I will close. Maybe a blog face lift is in order today.

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