But until then ..
Baseball Mom
©2006-2011 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Graduation day is tough for adults. They go to the ceremony as parents. They come home as contemporaries. After nineteen years of child-rearing, they are unemployed.
So life has been so busy, I have been to lazy to haven't even had the time to write. So a quick jog thru and then I am off to play farmville catch on things I am behind here at the house ...
1/10 - I returned to my surgeon & though he says I have a clean bill of health and was ready to remove the drain. I declined. Not having the time, nor patience, nor funds at this time, decided F-- it! I am leaving it in. Doesn't hurt anything. He even said more time could not hurt. So I intend to leave in. My goal is next March. (2012) So that is that. When I am ready for drain to remove, I am to call.
1/11 - I wrote about that day already. Here.
1/13 - 18th Wedding Anniversary. Dakota's 11th Birthday. I already covered that day. Here.
1/17 - No School. MLK Day.
1/18 - I finally picked out my new phone. I went with the Sony Xperia. It is like CD's but after all the back and forth. I just picked. CD had school then his usual Tuesday night gig. Catching from 5-9. The Tuesdays he has Personal Fitness @ school, makes for a rough night of catching. Since he can not work on his arms. (Thanks a$$clown!) He does all lower body workouts. (Now that baseball workouts have started, Tuesdays are weight room after school. So he will go straight from P.F. to the workouts again. *ouch*) Also ..CD has been complaining A LOT about pain coming from cast. So after much complaining I call his surgeon, they got him in 19th.
1/19 - New phone? Yeah! Took it back. I didn't like how it sounded. All the playing with CD's .. I never talked on the D*mn thing. So I exchanged it for the Flight II. Plus saving on the Smart Phone cost. I just couldn't stomach the cost. Not with all CD's and my medical bills pouring in. Oh! Well!
I also pulled CD out of school early as he is just uncomfortable. I took him to surgeon after a quick conversation cast came off, x-ray taken, pins came out. The pins had worn out the padding, and they were jabbing into ring finger. One cap had even came off in the process as well. The Dr. did tell him he can now do NOTHING. No more some weights. No more catching. No contact. No ball sports. Nadda. Until next appt. The finger is still very FRAGILE, and it could easily break again. :(
(oh yeah that made for a worse attitude .. THANKS AGAIN A$$CLOWN!!)
So after all that was said and done, they shipped us off downstairs to start therapy and get a splint made. At first he was annoyed he was going back into a constraint, he was overjoyed to learn he could remove to shower. That is a major PLUS. He was tired of showering in swim trucks while one of us helped him shower. That sucked for all parties. But now he can remove this to shower and do his therapy.
Now comes the real $$ eater. As CDD's insurance will not cover any therapy. Thanks BCBS .. THANK YOU A$$CLOWN!! The Dr's office is trying to get that over turned as it is a NEED not a, "oh I have a little twisted back, ankle, etc .."
So we will see .. have fun Wash U.
1/20 - I will say if we have had any luck with this whole nightmare the snow days and Christmas Break timing has worked in our favor.
When A$$clown broke it, the next day snow day. So he didn't have to go back in pain, less than 24 hours since happen. When had to have surgery on Christmas Break, and though it was ruined, he didn't have to worry about getting back right away or missing school. Now this day, just had cast off, getting used to splint, plus 1 less day he has to be put in a dangerous situations where a "what if" or "could be" or A$$clowns attack II.
This is the most snow we have had in a very long time. We got over 12" over night and into the day. CD doesn't recall having this much snow before. Of course he couldn't enjoy it how he would have liked (Thanks ;) again a$$clown) sledding & shoveling for $$. *shrug* whatyagunnado?
Oh the New Flight phone? Yeah, I hated it. So returned that, and now I am back to the broken Impression. I think I will just do the insurance claim and say f-- it! I have never had such a hard time with phones. Probably more going on then phones. Just sayin ..
1/21 - I can not say I was disappointed that CD would now have 4 days to heal more without cast protecting that finger. He is just safer. Plus .. he is still getting to study for the finals he was to take back on Dec 20 & 21. Talk about luck. Ha! He was more excited than CDD & I. :) CD pointed out that he has not had a full week of school since the week of Dec 6-10. That is insane. Maybe next week. They are calling for another storm coming through Sunday night and predicting schools might have to cancel again. Now at this rate they will be going to school in June. Blah!
That is about it. All wrapped up in a quick run down. Just still trying to muddle through and come out on the other side with as little battle scars as possible.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2011 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.