Been a while since I did a summary of the week. The week was not a horrible week. Funny how it was a short week, but it seemed so long. CD went back to the surgeon on Monday. They removed the temp cast and they removed his stitches. He had two options of what to do next. I opted for the cast. He will wear this one 3 weeks.

School returned this week from winter break, I wish it had been a bit longer so CD could have at least had a few days to do something other than lay in bed drugged up. I am glad that it was only a 3 day school week. Ease CD back into being active. But there is only roughly 60 days until Spring Break. We are talking about taking him out of town. Leaning towards Wisconsin Dells. But that still in air. (Really depends on how bad we are drowning in CD and my medical bills.)
We all piled into the school on first day back (Wed). CD made sure he expressed his grave disappointment on how they handled this whole situations. Said they would look into things and get back to us. They of course are back peddling as fast as they can. CDD and I were up at school several times in that one day. Plus speaking with a couple police in that city. They have been great actually. If they can on the slightest limb get this "a$$clown" on anything, they are. So the school may be dragging feet, but they are not. Actually the police already was able to confirm the school lied to them about this "a$$clown" so we will see.
Not going to be an easy fast fix that is for sure. Guess we will just have to see.
Of course since CD was given the green light, he was back at the baseball house catching by Tuesday. They were really glad to have him back. Made CD feel good to be wanted and needed. He also went back to Managing the Girls Varsity Basketball team. So looks like he is on the mend ~ mentally at least for now ~
Us? Same ol' Same. I go back next week to my dr/surgeon. See what his next plan is. I know what it is not. More surgery, unless he does pro bono. Tapped out on funds. As far as I am concerned the drain can just stay in. F- it!
Baseball Mom
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1 comment:
On the side note, I'd been wondering about YOU. D@mm!t that you are still dealing with those issues. What a cr@p-ride, Gal. SUX.
As for CD, so glad and I know as a kid he is too to be back up and running. But, for you, as a fellow Mom I know I'd be pins and needles and gasps -- good call on the second cast.
As for the police, YAY them! It has got to be so hard to pursue and follow up on this issue. Between students, CD's social life, y'all and other parents.... it can become quite the quagmire.
Good luck and keep a positive attitude!
FWI? My WV is perksw. 'perk's the 'word?' LOL!
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