Whole Cow .. we made it to another year. 18 years. Ha! They said it wouldn't last a year. It is quite simple how we have lasted 20 years together, 18 of which married. He have never spent more than a couple months tops on days. ha! ha! Kind of hard not to stay together when you don't see each other on a daily bases. I kid. I kid.
Seriously I do not know where the time went. Time just flies by. Seems like just yesterday we were just getting married and moving 900+ miles away to the Frozen Tundra, though that was 18 years ago this April. Seems like just last week the stick had two lines, though he turns 16 this May. Something must be going right for all that to just seem like yesterday.
Guess I could have chosen worse. *wink*
So in saying that ..
How I depend on you to love me for who I am
believe in me for what I hope to be.
How I feel loved each time you smile or touch my hand and,
when I need someone to listen, I know you'll understand.
It means the world to me when you tell me I am the best mother
our child could ask for,
that you wish your own mother would have been as great as I am with our son.
You will never know how that makes me feel.
The last 6 months had been rocky, but you stood by my indiscretions.
Put up with my yelling and tantrums.
Picked me up when I crumbled.
So CDD, I celebrate my love for you,
grateful that we have the happiness life gives to just a few.
I Love You!
Always & Forever!
But yet again we will spend our Anniversary apart. Work. Got to love their schedule, hours, shifts, and no vacation in January rule. :) I cannot remember the last Anniversary we spent together. Probably 2007-08. But January 2013 we will finally be able to spend the day together. :)
So Cheers! Here's to another ....

Happy Birthday Dakota! 11 years ago today you came into this world. In May you will have been bring happiest and joy to us for the same amount of time. Thanks for becoming a member of this family. Thanks for choosing us.
Happy Birthday Day!!
Baseball Mom
©2006-2011 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
1 comment:
Happy Belated Anniversary. Cheers CDM!!
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