We didn't end the year any special way. Just us. The 3 of us. At home. Quiet. When it is all said and done it always just comes back to the 3 ..
Catcherdude and I did go visited my mom & step dad for a short time. The husband just really wanted to stay in and watch hockey game. I wanted back home before the crazy drivers hit the roads. Plus Catcherdude wasn't feeling the being out of the house and around people thing.
I gave up long ago with the "New Year's Resolutions" thing. I though this year I would go with a look back, forward, and make a TO DO LIST, you know things I would hope to accomplish 364 days from now.
Starting with look back
I am so grateful for last year...
- for so much time with our son.
- for making the final payment on our car.
- for so much quality time with amazing family.
- for being able to paid off hospital bills for 2008-09.
- for my mom being here.
- for the health insurance coverage we have to help off set some of all the bumps & bruises we had along the way.
- for Catcherdude making his dream of playing HS baseball happening.
- for the new digital camera my family made sacrifices to let me have.
- for son making it through his first year of High School with little damage.
- for the opportunity to be able to go on what little vacations (though baseball related)we did.
- for new friends.
- for good health.
Moving on to looking forward
Things that though might be silly I am really excited about in 2011...
- Celebrating seventeenth anniversary.
- Catcherdude turns 16.
- Hopefully watching Catcherdude return to the baseball fields.
- Reconnecting with friends.
- Paying off medical bills AGAIN.
Now the TO DO LIST
- Reduce the amounts of soda every day.
- cook more.
- learn something new. (I haven't decided this one yet. I will update when I think of something.)
- take more photos.(possibly a class or two.)
- complain less.
- spend more time with the husband.
- stop letting the small stuff over come me.
What things are you looking forward to?
What's on your 2011 TO DO LIST??
Baseball Mom
©2006-2011 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
I'm going to write a post of my own but this is good!
Monica this is excellent. You are such a good writer and so thought provoking :-)
I miss you and hope that I am one of the reconnecting friends that you have on your "to do" list.
Inspiration has been set by your entry...hmmm makes one think doesn't it???
Love always!
Yeah...drop the pop and switch to water and tea. Cheers dear!!
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