Well that was enough to send me into full panic mode. I know people can not even grasp that. I get that. But for Flip-Flop sakes do not make fun or make it seem like I have irrational fears. If you were not here, if you do not know what it is like to hear the crackling of tree branches, and then the deafening sound of it hitting the ground, to not know where it hit. To be sleeping and you awake again to those sounds, though this time it hits your house and you just know it has broken through that time. To walk outside and almost get shot from a gun happy neighbor to look at your house and in the moonlight swear the limb is in your son's room. Right where he his sleeping. Yeah! Ice storms will scare the living hell out of you.
But yes, we did have ice again. But they were on top of it. It didn't get as bad as they thought. Monday they early dismissed the kids from school. That was about when the rain/sleet/ice started coming. Tuesday there was No school. It was supposed to change over from the major ice storm to 6"-13" of snow by 6 a.m. We did get snow, but not what they thought. Even CDD's company closed, but they had to use a day (don't get me started on that rant) if they want to be paid. They closed school again for today. Today just a few flakes here and there. The wind is blowing lots.
Now to try and find the driveway. *sigh* Had CDD had more days to blow I would have had him stay here. Fluck! This! Sh!t! Really none of us need to be doing it. CDD with his weight & heart, CD with his broken finger, and me with my drain. Not a good mix in the house.
So that is what is going on around here. I am sure there will be school tomorrow. But if I do not have the car & driveway unburied CD will probably not go, and I will fight with school about not marking him absent. Because of course had they taken the steps to make sure CD was safe, and let A$$clown break his finger he could ride his bus, but oh what is this I read, no riding buses Dr's orders. So either a Principal can drag their a$$ here to pick him up, send a cab, or not mark absent. Their choice. :)

Also today is Ground Hog Day ..
So according to Punxsutawney Phil, Spring will come early this year. I hope so. I really do. I am not complaining. We have not had snow, and a good amount of it, for years. But I think I am at my done point. It is fun to have extra days off here and there, and it has helped a lot in CD's recovery. Seems like a Snow Day came just when we needed it on a couple occasions. But this is enough. Time to get these kids in school back to full-time. So we can have a summer break.
Baseball Mom
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