Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Catcher's Report ~Sunday Edition~

The Catcher's Report
~Sunday Edition~

Been so busy I couldn't even manage to get a check-in done on Friday. lol. I spent most of all my week going from store to store. Mall to Mall. Helping my mother try to find an electric blanket for her bed. So far it has been a fail. Though I did score a new tree skirt and new snowman. LOL

I am looking forward to the 4 day weekend. At a last minute decision I am having my mother and her husband over for Thanksgiving. I had already shopped for 3. So they are picking up a bird, more rolls, and drinks and we are set.

Last week I mentioned that CD was running in his first Non-School related race of the season. Of course the nice temps we were having ended that day, and it was really chilly out there. CD was actually worried as it was supposed to rain the night before (Fri) and it makes for harder running areas. But it DRY, thank goodness. But the wind and temps were not cooperative. lol. Also it was a nice surprise that 3 of his fellow XC team mates showed up and ran as well. He came in First in his age group (15-19) with a time of 20:34. The best time he has had at this course. He ran this same race last year and took First in his age group then as well, with a time of 23:51. The other 3 boys from school/XC also meddled.

* Boy #1 FIRST PLACE OVERALL MALE with a 18:10 time
* Boy #2 THIRD PLACE OVERALL MALE with a 18:34 time
* BoY #3 FIRST PLACE MEN 15-19 with a 20:34 time
* Boy #4 SECOND PLACE MEN 15-19 with a 20:37 time

I am not sure if they are going to run again together. The coach decided this week they were going to have practice once a week through the winter. Yeh, I want to see them boys out there in the cold & snow. I bet it doesn't happen. lol

Well like I said been very busy. But nothing really worth mentioning. I am sure another busy week ahead. I am trying to get some head way to the house. Not a big clean freak. But there are some out of normal things I would like to tend to.

So with that ..

Happy Thanksgiving! In case I do not return before Thursday.

Baseball Mom
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