Friday, May 15, 2009

Baseball Highlights

What a boring title. But I could not think of a better one. Brain is still half a sleep I suppose. All the late night games have been rough this week. They were all after 8. After 8 and you should be winding your nights DOWN on school nights, not winding the up.

I was going to post each game and thought nah lets just combine and move on. So if you just took these last 3 games this week.

Catcherdude stats would be as follows:

3 Games, 6 AB, 6 R, 5 H, 1 RBI, 1 HBP, 2 BB, 1 SO, 12 SB ... with a OBP .889, SLG .833, and AVG .833

That is INSANE!! This child is on fire!! I can not believe how well his batting has come along. Just took the right coaches and instructors to bring him outta his shell. (Though I would like to pretend hope it's that new $$$ bat paying off it's debt to me .. LOL)

Just to compare from last year. Last year stats on top, this year on bottom. His total SB for last year was 21. He is already at 33 for this year.

He told me last night his goal for SB for the year is 90. LOL. It is in within his reach. He would however have to acquire 3 Stolen Bases a game.

He was applauded last night for his efforts behind the plate. To quote his coach ..

"only 3 balls got past him tonight .. and those 3? Foul tips."

He is my lil blocking machine. Now teach the pitchers to pitch and he probably wouldn't have to block 100+ balls in a night. Just saying ..

So that about does it on the baseball update. Though as I have been typing (8:50 a.m.) this we got a team caller saying we got invited to a tournament that starts tonight, so I am waiting on here if this is going to happen or not.


Of course it is 11:10 now and have heard nadda! DH is/was working OT tonight and would like to know if they are going to play. He won't go work it they are playing. But the team manager always wants a hurry up and answer, and then doesn't pay the same respect.

I don't mind juggling and putting life on hold at the drop of a hat, but please let me know if that is what I am doing .. that's all.

Later ..

update again:

So one teams loss for having to drop out due to injuries, is another teams (ours) treasurer. We are rockin out the door for a last minute add tourney. Poor CD came in dragging wondering why we were all dressed in our game support clothes. He is currently in shower trying to revive himself.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.


Yellow Beads said...

you're such a good mom, supporting him along the way!!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

EXHAUSTING alright. Your dude sure is doing well this season, how exciting!