Son had to be at the surgery center at 2:00. His surgery was set for 4:00. What I was NOT a fan of is they sent him back by himself to be prepped. He has never had any type of procedures and being a minor, I just didn't like this. It took forever to be called back. I actually was almost in full panic attack mode, and I haven't had one of those in YEARS!!
We finally met the DR who would perform the surgery. Though young, he seemed like a really good doctor. I figured that if Steven Jackson of the STL Rams could trust him with his finger surgery, we could put our same trust in him. :)

He even told son he would let him go back to catching & and some light baseball drills as soon as the normal cast went on in 12-15 days. (Yeah we will see about that, momma may have another opinion .. ) Though this was the first we heard about him actually being able to play again, so IDK if he was serious, or just trying to make son feel better. So back to waiting area.
I set my timer so I would know and not (least try not) go crazy with wondering.
At about 17 minutes we ended up getting a call from Surgeons nurse. They had to open up the finger. But better safe than sorry. :(
So now it would at least be the 45 minutes. He ended up with 3 pins in the fracture. But it was an even longer wait as after they got him out of surgery, and in recovery. They could not wake him. The surgery center was basically closed and we were still trying to get him to at least wake enough so they would release him into our care.
So now we just keep him on pain killers every 2 hours for at least 4-5 days. I see very lack of sleep on my part. I have alarms set to wake me to get the drugs in him and help keep him as comfortable as possible. So far he had been doing great with no pain, but the block they put in was to last over 24 hours. It ran out late this evening and it hit him like a ton of bricks. :( We were out grocery shopping, but we had luckily left him with a sitter. They called in a panic!! But all is under control now.
So now we wait for post surgery swelling to go down and return in 12-15 days to have temporary cast removed and the permanent one put on.
I already know this winter break is D-O-N-E. Christmas is not looking great. We will make the best of it. But hey .. I can not blame him for being pissed off and depressed. But we will keep moving through .. all we can do.
Meanwhile I have a HUGH problem with the way school, or the LACK of, is handling this. I am actually really pissed off!!
Not only did nothing happen to this "a$$clown". They never even spoke with him. I totally disagree with this. He is a pest, a pain in the ass, I guess
First the Asst. Principal was not aware. Then when I made aware while bitching they wouldn't allow CD to make-up his finals. She was going to talk to PE teacher and nurses.
Then they didn't want to bother him during his finals, and we I spoke with the dang Asst. Principal today about how surgery went, they didn't speak with him on Tuesday as they didn't want, to quote her .. "Rune his Winter Break" Oh HELL NO!! Let's not upset him or rune his break. PLEASE!! He is a Jack Ass nothing is going to bother him anyway. But maybe SUSPENDING his FAT ASS!! Ugh!!
I will deal with all this on the 4th or 5th when they go back. Nothing really can be done right now anyway.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Man! Geeze! And, horseplay in a pool is dangerous anyhow.... I hate to say this, but if this injury were to severely ruin CD prospective career you could sue the kid/his parents in civil court.
I know that sounds ridiculous but it would make you feel better and make the other kid accountable.
I sure hope you can get the school to step up. And, they weren't going to let him make up his finals???? Hellooooooo!!
Be strong, Mom!
And, Happy New Year. Keep an optimistic eye on the sky.... {hugs}
I'm so sorry you're dealing with all of this. Here's hoping that things work out the way you want them to wehn they go back to school next week.
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