And, my Drama is not your Drama or your problem. And, why should it be? I'm sure you have enough Drama of your own. Don't we all?
We all have troubles and tribulations in life. Sometimes it is the little things like an unexpected (are they ever expected?) flat tire, or a school project that we half-heartedly volunteer for. Or, our personal drama can be with our spouses, our children our family -- Life/Death.
And, your Drama is none of my d@mn business. Not that I don't care in a good way but sometimes I think as people we get too caught up in other people's drama when they don't want our opinion. Mind you, our opinion might be right, we might be able to hit the nail on the head. But, it doesn't matter. It's not our life to decide/judge/question/try to lead.
Not our Drama. At least not mine. I think I retaught myself a lesson this holiday weekend. How to mind my own drama a/k/a life and try to let others deal a/k/a live out their own.
Who am I to set the standard of performance for others? Just because "I" think this should be done this way or that doesn't make a rats @$$ to someone else. The only standard of performance that I am responsible for and, I might say qualified to set, is that for my own life.
If someone wants to send their child to bed with chocolate milk each night (without a second brushing) that is NOT my life, my problem or my drama. If someone wants to spend every nickel, dime and quarter on all things shiny, possibly even tossing their loose pennies aside -- not my drama. If someone wants to cheat on their spouse (I highly dis-commend [FW word] this notion) but... Not my child, not my life, not my husband or my wife, and not my money. Not my business; not my Drama.
If someone wants tattoo their who-ha or pierce their thinga'majigger? [OW! True.] That's not my Who-ha or thinga-you-know and not my Drama. Let them endure/enjoy it.
If someone chooses to smoke cigarettes? Well, I don't like it. It's smelly. But, so long as they keep it out of my personal breathing space then it isn't for me to love or hate. I have a slight enamoration (did I just make up another new word?) for spirited beverages and there are those who have an enamored distaste for such indulging. So long as I'm not endangering them with my partaking then not their drama.
I just want the world to be happy. And, when I find myself falling into a rut about "This and That and Him and Her and Why and Why Not and the ever selfish Whoah-is-Me" I kick myself in the pie. My Drama is not anyone else's. It's mine alone. Don't bring down the fantasies of everyone else, just because my dome gets a crack in it now and then. [Making note to God to send in those winged guys to fix that, as it is slightly obstructing my heavenly view.]
I just got tired of the internal whining. So I had to tell myself to pull up my big cowgirl boots and walk through all the Sh!t. There are some things I just can't fix. There are some decisions that aren't mine to make. There are some things that being internally angry about or sad about doesn't help. I'm gonna' have to roll with the punches, roll over the humps and bumps and deal with the life and death.
And as I often do, I've found my way to appreciating each little happy and each little joy, avoiding the urge to resonate on the negative and allowing myself the occasional need to live in a little denial.
That is my Drama. I'll keep to my own and let you have yours. I pray that in each day you find your way to add some Happy to your Drama.
These are words never better placed together. Words I need to live by on a daily bases. :) I hope FW doesn't mind I borrowed this. :)

©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
1 comment:
Awwww, you made me tear up. Knowing that my self revelations impact others on a personal level is... well. Thank you and I'm glad I shared....
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