I get a phone call from Catcherdudes school. I apparently need to get to school, he has dislocated his pinkie finger on right hand .. dropped everything to get to him. While en route I make several calls as to where to take him. ER it is. Check.
I finally get to school and see the poor baby pinkie ..
As I am driving him to the ER I find out from him HE didn't do anything to that finger. But a "student" (I am choosing to say "a$$clown" other than how I really feel or what to call this ..) in his P.E. class was horse, clowning around and thought it would be funny to jump on top of catcherdude while in pool somehow landing on top of his hand .. (Trust me I still can not imagine this act, no matter how many times I or anyone else have asked CD about how he did this)
Of Course!! The ER is backed up. But really it wasn't to bad of a wait. They carted him to x-ray while we waited to be seen. So when they got him back to be seen it wasn't bad of wait. Though they never put him in room. They just treated him in the hallway. Results were in no the a$$clown didn't dislocate his finger ..
I seen the x-ray and this break was definitely worse than the July break.

I do have to say this was a quick visit even though they were so backed up and for that I am thankful.
Now the reality of the whole thing was setting in .. no catching for pitchers, no batting, no winter workout, no lessons, no .. no .. no ..
Luckily school was cancelled Thursday due to ice storm. He tried to go back to school on Friday, but that didn't happen. He was to drugged up and his pain was not manageable. He would just have to wait until after the holidays to make them up.
The day of the Orthopedic doctor appointment. He let CD know that this break was horrible. That in fact he was going to have to refer him to a hand specialist. I thought we would have to go see him, in his office, no! I got a phone call while sitting right there in Ortho doctor office. He looked at x-rays .. Catcherdude will require surgery. WHAT! Okay. So he would see him on Wednesday (22) and all was set and ready.
I am so Flip Floppin Pissed off at that "a$$clown" at the P.E. teacher .. WTH! Don't send me letters "How Safe" "How watched" "How blah .. blah .. blah .." You DID not protect my child! F-- U!!
Baseball Mom
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1 comment:
Total and complete SUCK-PIE! I was just talking with a friend the other day and we were discussing how quickly things, injuries, can happen and I brought up you and Catcher Dude in this conversation.
Her son had a thrown out shoulder from BB, but they were hoping more muscle injury though hadn't made it to the doc appt with the holiday.
Grrrrr.... I sure hope all things heal well. At least all the doctors and specialists took it seriously and scheduled things for immediate action.
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