What could I possible be so upset about? What happen in the baseball family today?
Catcherdude shaved for the very first time!!
*wiping tears*
Its all over now. His first
There was no talking him (catcher dude) out of it. I tried reasoning. I tried all my speeches. But this time I lost. It is gone. He wouldn't even let me take pictures. *sigh*
It's over now. I cried. Yes you read that right. I cried. Still thinking about it, I get teary eyed. But I am starting to have anger set in. I just might not be kidding about not stepping foot back in the establishment where we have spent many of hours and money in. I just might take business some place else.
So there it is .. another first to add to the growing first list. First foods, First words, First steps, First day of Kindergarten, First shave. *sigh*
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
oh hell you are going to make me cry....I dont know what I would do if austin actually needed to shave - I would cry - of course I cried yesterday at a text message that was forwarded to me that was from the boy that my DD broke up with because his heart is broken...who knew that would make me cry....
Awww, I am not looking forward to that day....
Tell him to slow down in the growing up awhile ;-)
Hi! I've been meaning to stop by for a while, but with 3... err I mean 2 sick kids and a sick husband this week, my chores have seemed to double, and computer time limited. So sad.
I don't know squat about baseball. I was raised in a house of book nerds, and married one. So when it comes to sports I am clueless. I LOVE that you but the baseball terms on the side for us sport-challenged peeps out there.
Ok, so about the 'stash. I threaten my husband with the life of his only chest hair (as in singular) if he shaves his 'stash and goatee off. So needless to say, instead of losing part of his manhood, he keeps the facial hair!
Love your blog! I'll so be back!
Oh no.. this doesn't leave me looking forward to my little Lincoln doing this at all.
As you know, CD and Cam are often hitting these "milestones" within months of each other. This time? DAYS!
Cam had quite the little fuzz thing going on. Apparently the teasing was relentless - I got in the car with him Monday and it was gone! I asked if he shaved and he told me he didn't (maybe he used Mair?) but I missed the whole "event" too!
You have my sympathies!
OH! I remember looking for ward to that. Before it became a daily neccesity and nuisance...
They grow up so fast.. and then they are making you Grandparents...
Awww, those first steps into manhood/adulthood are hard on us moms! There are so many things now that I wish I had back. Weird that I don't even really remember when my boys started shaving. It was that much of a non-thing. They just started needing to do it and did. Part of life. Now I'm sorry I didn't pay more attention. Glad you are! Hugs and hang in there, Mom. The ride gets wilder from here on out! LOL!
Thanks everyone for your support and comments. This is the most comments I have ever had on my blog.
I am still upset today. But I will move on. Just another of 1,000's of first.
but what about Keith Hernandez and Don Mattingly, and all the other famous baseball mustaches?? Maybe he'll change his mind
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