was the first game outside since last fall. Since all the practices, workouts, training, lessons, etc. It ended up being a really nice day out. No rain. It did get into the 60's I believe. But a great day for baseball. There was even some tiny sunburns that occurred.
Catcher Dude was the only catcher that showed up, so he didn't have to share. Which was nice for him. He doesn't like to share. Though the coach did turn around once and in our direction said, "He is going to make it hard this year to pull him from out behind the plate." *smile* Just what Catcher Dude is trying to accomplish.
So the bats didn't really come alive all that well. But there were some. The umpire they had was rough to find his strike zone. He walked quite a few in one inning. So much my darling son flipped off his mask and had words. I so need to mic that kid. I wanna hear him. LOL. So thanks to that first inning the boys were down 1-5. Going into the 8th inning the score was 7-14. It was not looking good bring home the "W" for our team & my birthday. But low and behold errors were flying and walking was taking place and the game ended 17-14. Holey Moley. WTG boys!!
Catcher ended up with 5SB, 2RBI, 3BB, 2H, and 1K. Not bad. Not bad. Seeing how he hasn't really had live outdoor pitching since October.
Later Sunday night DH took me out to eat for my birthday. Catcher Dude was sound asleep so we left him be. It was nice. But I could have just stayed in to be perfectly honest.
started the official day of Spring Break. We got up early and headed to TKD. He did his class and then we were off again. We dropped off his PS2 for cleaning, repair. It is back to making sounds and slow loading. So hopefully it will be back to life. Then we headed to the movies. We are taking advantage of the $1 shows this week. So Mondays pick was Marley & Me. Umm yeah! Good movie. But I was not aware of the ending. Being the nice Baseball Mom, I will not say here and spoil it for those wanting to see it. So after that we were back off to get back to TKD as it is his day to teach now. So I just dropped him off. Sitting there 3 hours, not my idea of fun. I was already tired from the day. So I came back home. After picking him back up at 7 I crashed!!
doesn't get any lighter on activities and running. I dropped off DH @ school, did 2 loads of laundry, ran dishwasher, got CD up & in shower, me in shower, cleaned up kitchen, cooked lunch and dinner for DH, called DR office, and sporting place where uniforms are, while supervising CD getting leaves picked up. PLUS had to load up truck with lunch & Dinner for DH, Baseball bag, Clothes, and a fan I was selling all before 11 am. We dropped off the food for DH at school. Then we rushed to the mall to meet this woman who bought this fan I sold on Craig's list. Since the mall was 1/2 way between house and baseball practice we hung out at the mall for the remainder of the day. It was a nice day. When we left there we still had a little time so we went to a couple other stores closer to practice. I found a couple good deals on some clearance items. So I snagged them up. Then it was off to practice. We were going to stop for dinner but I was DONE! DONE - Stick a fork in me DONE!! Leaving the house @ noon and not returning until 8. Is a LONG day!!
I mentioned in this post, I had received this wonderful pottery on Friday. I think someone is trying to give Gary at Pottery Blog a run for his money.

The artist none other than my wonderful son. I will treasure this forever!! even though he doesn't believe in himself I do. I think it is a wonderful vase. I will find the perfect flowers to place in there.
Well it seems like there was other stuff I was going to
Have a great day and stop and enjoy the lil things in your life.
.. stay tuned for more Spring Break Adventure's updates!! ...
OH! I love his work! He can go to college and major in art (and girls) and play baseball!!!!!!!!
His stats looked pretty good to me.
Thanks for the mention, have a good week B. Mom.
I'm LOVIN" that vase! Too cool!
Happy Spring to you!
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