So while I sit and wait I thought I would share some fun freebie finds for you.
Dove Hair Therapy System with Serum - Choice of 2 FREE Samples!
FREE Sample of Goodnites Sleep Shorts
The GoodNites Boxer Style offers a new choice for kids that give them trusted nighttime protection in a cool new style.
8 more days until another birthday rolls around. You know funny story DH and I always get questioned when we have to give both our birthdays. It is not the same date. But they seem to think we have given them wrong information.
"I said 15 this time not 23."
"No that is correct."
Actually Catcher Dude will be playing in game on the 15th. *smile* Nice way to spend my birthday. *crossing fingers for warm weather & no rain*
What can I say DH like them older. LOL.
I am really excited Spring Break is almost here. Just 4 more school days. Then out for 10 days (counting weekends). Not sure what we will do. If anything other than the norm of practices, clinics, and TKD. If the 1$ show still has Twilight I would like to make sure CD gets to go see it. Since he was burned by those who said they would see it with him when it first came out. If not there is certainly something we can see together. I know .. I know .. not really cool to be seen in a theatre with your mom. But I am sure you can muster up the courage. LOL.
We got the schedule for the first team yesterday. So it is getting closer. I am getting excited. Especially since weather has been wonderful last two days. So soon that is all you will hear from me. Stats, scores, and brags. Because that is how I roll. Okay, so I promised kid I would stop saying that, tee-hee, but this is my blog. So deal!!
Okay! Well I promised I would watch last 30 minutes, so I best me getting my bum in.
Happy Weekend everyone!!
I love dove hair products!!
Baseball mom, were you just saying your birthday is this coming weekend??????????????????
Thanks for the GoodNights sample. Lil'Gal still is dealing and learning to control her urinary issues. Though medicated now and it helps, at night she has to wear a pull-up or some form of protection.
*sigh* My poor Lil'Ladie.
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