But selfishly I am glad the tournament was cancelled. It was not scheduled when I scheduled my week of torture. So I was disappointed when I learned I would miss out on seeing them play.
So yes, here we are. I am home now finally. I managed to make it through this week. Still in loads of pain, but hey! That is what the good drugs are for. That crap you have to drink to prep. UGH! I thought I would not survive that day. But to have to stop foods on Sunday and not have food again until Thursday was not a picnic either. I got to where I would just (TMI ALERT) throw up the jell-o. I could not stand to eat it any longer. Blah! Though Wednesday night I was given some cream of wheat and that wasn’t half bad, with loads of sugar. LOL. But when I finally was released to food on Thursday everything gave me heartburn. So that took the joy out of it.
So hopefully this is it. I am done. I will recover from this last part, and be good to go. The repair went well. I will never be so glad is to not see this Doctor again.
Well I have to get laid back down. It is still hard to be up for long periods of time. But I wanted to update here and eat. So killed to birds with one stone and now I am off to finish watching my Law & Order: SVU marathon I taped yesterday. I don’t get very far as I doze off during an episode and when I wake up I have to back it up where I left off.
Plus Catcher Dude & I got Twilight off PPV last night and I need to finish that up as well.
Happy Sunday! Hope to be back this week.
I was planning to email you today, and here you have given an update, thank goodness you're coming along. And you're right about the weather and cancellations---sometimes you just have to stay home and relax and that is OK.
look forward to hearing from you again, you were really missed.
I'm still a little confused about your issues but I do have an idea with where they are and I know you have had serious issues with pain.
I sure am glad you are back and I hope you are recuperating quickly!!! Poor Gal!
And, SNOW? No fair! We are ready for summer!!! ;-)
this season's weather has been crazy!!!
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