Saturday, February 7, 2009

Welcome to High School!

So this past week has been lots of informational meetings about the upcoming high school year. The HIGH SCHOOL! As in NINTH GRADE! My baby is going to be going to high school! Start hyperventilating NOW!!

So, I am sitting there listening how they are going to change the normal 7 class schedule, to a 4x4 schedule. That their classes will be 90 minutes long. I am listening to the pro's & con's. The this and the that. Just trying to keep up.

I'm sitting there listening to the teachers talk about course selection and test scores and blah blah blah. As I sat there nicely, listening intently to the fine educators speak. "...from here on out, everything counts. Everything you do in high school will go on your permanent record."

I think I let out a very small, almost dainty snort at this point. Did she really just say "permanent record"?

A group of annoyed parents turned around and gave me the evil eye.

They went on to talk about what a great opportunity this transition is. Studies have indicated that the transition between 8th and 9th grade is the 3rd most traumatic thing you'll go through behind losing your parents or losing a spouse.

Yeah, that's what you want to do - use lots of words like "traumatic" when talking to the kids about starting high school.

He now has a couple days to decide what electives he'd like to take. And, not too much pressure or anything, but these classes will affect your FOUR YEAR PLAN, your plans for beyond high school, your future career, the car you purchase, the home you buy, spouse, and family. One wrong choice and you'll be destined to spend your life living in a cardboard box, and saying things like, "You want fries with that?"

Welcome to high school!

Baseball Mom


Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

*GASP* I am so fearful. I have a few years until then, um, six or seven? I think? Unless, they once again change the system.

I'm assuming y'all are on year round school for them to be presenting this so early?

So, now you are going to give us the day-by-day play-by-play so the rest of us know what "not-to-do" and How to "do-it-right" when we get there, yes?

Good luck! Catcher Dude is growing up...slow down, boy! Slow down. For the sake of Mommies!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

I don't think I like this 90 minute class thing, don't you think that a daily meeting and homework is better? Ii dunno. Except I am glad I am not a teen alright!