I tell ya, this couldn't have been given to me at any better time. My evening has been H-E-Double Hockey sticks.
First we were held up in traffic so Catcher Dude was late to his agility workout and baseball practice. We left at 3:30 pm to make a 4:30 start time. We arrived at 5:03 pm. Yeah! Nice!!
Then some lil PITA child tries to steal Catcher Dudes bat. Why? Because he thought someone left it. Oh?!? Yeah, makes sense. Only sitting right next to his bag, his bag that was not packed and had all his sh!t spread all out. But yes! I see your point! The dads response. Well it is a nice bat. *thud*
Third, accident blocking lanes on hwy coming home. Making another long a$$ trip back home. Oy!
Calgon take me away!!
But Queen must have gotten a vibe of troubles and made me a nice gift to come home to. :)
Thanks Queen!!
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
I am glad you like it and I am glad it made your day a little happier.. sometimes we need that..
OH!!! How miserable!
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