So I was sent this and thought ... LOL .. why not? So taking a break from the Gremlins that attacked. I sent dad dude off to take care of the baseball related items today and I attacking the mounds of dishes, mountains of laundry, straightening kitchen,living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, oh heck!! The whole dang house. LOL. But now I am hiding in cyber land as it is wearing me out.
But now it is time to get back to it all. Plus starting dinner here soon as well.
Baseball Mom
bleh, winter----but it has been nice to have a small break this week---
hey, I have not fired the last baseball mug yet and it won't be ready until midweek--do you need me to ship the heart mug and candleholder today or tomorrow? please let me know if you need them this week, thanks
oh that is funny...(BTW, I am giving away a pair of $80 sunglasses on my blog this week so come check it out if you get a second).
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