Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday is Here. FINALLY!!

(art work by Catcher Dude)
Snippy the turtle sits proudly in my room on a shelf.

Alrighty Catcher Dude thanks for High Jacking moms blog. [post] *smile* Now we resume our regularly scheduled mommy rambles. lol. So today is Friday. It seems like this week it took forever for it to arrive. We all know that is Farmer*s Wife favorite day. But it sits at the top of my favorite days list myself. Dad Dude starts his weekend at 12:30 AM every Friday. Well, unless working OT, but how often will he do that? Not much as he is already gone so much during the week he is not about to miss any CD stuff Friday - Sun. Nope!! Soon Catcher Dude will be home and he has his 2 day weekend.

Not that we ever really get to see the weekends. Ever notice how those are the fastest 2 days in the 7 day week? Saturday and Sunday fly by faster than any other two days put together. Never really see them. You know they arrived. Says so right there on the calendar. The boys are here. But where did they go? Why must they hurry along? Must have something to do with the both start with "s". LOL. Couldn't possible be those are the 2 days we try to pack a whole week into? Nah!

So what is on tap at our Fields house this weekend:

Catcher Dude school.
Dad Dude errands of this and that sorts.
Me? Straighten house, laundry, dishes, and sorts. Dang those Gremlins!!
Baseball Practice.
Uniform sizing and purchasing.

Baseball Registration (Team #2)
Batting Cages
High School Parent Meeting
Baseball Clinic

Bowling Canceled due to next item.
Drop Dad dude and Catcher Dude off to their ride
Dad Dude and Catcher Dude driving 2 hours to go see WWE *rolling eyes*

Actually this is a quiet weekend. So I might not see that much of Saturday, but Sunday .. allllllll mine! I am free. Free. Free as a bird.

So that is about it around here. I notices a pattern lately and I really do not blog on weekends anymore. So if I don't get back before Monday,

'Happy Friday, Have a good weekend, ya'll'

Baseball Mom


Gary's third pottery blog said...

wwe is wrestling, right? You said it though, Sunday night and Monday come along really FAST!

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

YAY! A day for BBMom!

How have you been feeling, anyhow? Long time, no inquire.

I agree. FWFD is almost over. When I wake up, it will be Sunday evening and I'll be preparing for Monday.

How does that happen?