Well 16 years. We've made it to 16 years together. Well we really have been together 18 years. I can not believe it.
Now I would fill in here how much it sucks he is working tonight, we didn't do anything over the weekend. The day is coming and going and that is it. How horrible of a day. But I have ran into 2 past class mates, both men, in the last month. One is in the middle of a divorce of 10 year marriage. The other on his 3rd marriage in 17 years. Oy! The one guy was tell me how 2 others we knew had also divorced. Good Grief Charlie Brown. So I suppose it isn't all that bad. Actually DH brought up a fine point.
"Babe, Didn't you date all of those guys?"
Me thinking ... "Yeah, I guess I did."
"Hmm .. guess I was the lucky one"
That made my day. Guess they are the losers and even though I am once again without an anniversary date, I still have the date ticking away to another year. Guess there is always next year. Though I was thinking if we had time we might sneak away this weekend. If that is I am feeling up to being out, and baseball doesn't already have the calendar booked.
I really would like to go to my favorite restaurant. We have not been in a couple years and don't think my husband will think of it. Though I will be nice he did get up at 7:30 this morning after getting to bed after 2 a.m from work to take me to eat. But eating pancakes while trying to hold back the urge to throw up, due to the smell of smoke and coffee, doesn't scream romantic in my book. lol.
We will have to see.
Also today is Dakota's 9Th Birthday. I tried to get a decent picture of him today, but he was not having it. So this one will have to do. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAKOTA!!
Baseball Mom
HEY there, we got married 2 weeks before you, how about that? Congrats!
WOW, congrats!! I am celebrating my 4th anniversary on Thursday!!
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