So it's been a crazy day and I have tried a couple times to pop in bloggie world, but it wasn't happening. But all is quiet in the baseball house. So here I have arrived. lol.
I was given another cool award today. Thank You to Jen from Another Online Mom. YAY! ME!! That is two I have been given :)
This award comes with a few rules: Put the logo on your blog or post. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show GREAT ATTITUDE and/or GRATITUDE! Be sure to link to your nominees within your post. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
I had a hard time picking because I really don't follow a lot of blogs & a couple I would have choosen FW already had picked and I didn't want to double picky. So in no order I have choosen:
1. Amy @ Things
2. Catcher Dude @ Ball in a Book
3. Chatter Bug @ Our family Online
4. Chickadee @ A Familiar Path
5. Dana @ Amid Life's Crises
6. Emily @ My Memory Keepsakes
7. Headless Mom @ The Adventures of the Headless Family
8. Plath @ Plath's Adventures
9. SumnerRain @ Mistakes in Motherhood
I know .. I know I didn't make it to 10. I tried. I really tried. But I have not really branched out to a lot of Blogs and bloggy friends. Like I said had these wonderful people had not already been choosen today I would have also picked: Gary & Fairy Flutter & Farmer*s Wife
So there you have it. I was tickled pink when I saw I had been picked over at Another Online Mom. I am more thrilled to get a chance to honor these great people as well.
Happy Monday ~ even though it is almost over.
Baseball Mom
YAY for you! Guess great minds think alike! Sorry I took some of your pics! It was hard! I wanted to give to everyone, you know!
Wow! Thanks!!!
Great attitude has been tough for me lately. You have given me hope that I'm actually finding the bright side, instead of grumbling about the shady side.
Now I actually have something to blog about! ;-)
I just found your blog... or maybe I've lost your blog addy, but I had no idea!
Thanks for the award!!!! :)
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