So I managed to make it through yesterday. I go back again on the 6Th of January for them to finish what the started. I still do not understand what happen to cause a root canal to fail, but for them to fix it they have to go through the gum. Oh .. okay .. WTF! So they will complete the process in January. Glad they kept looking until the found the source of the infection. What a PITA!!
Now this morning for whatever reason, catcher dude thought it would be so fun .. fun .. capital F-U-N!! (NOT!!) To wake up with the stomach flu. :( Poor guy! Thank goodness dad dude was home today so he watched him while I went to school with a truck full of groceries. Otherwise we would have had them either
a) in the truck all weekend
2) piled in the house all weekend.
I decided whatever we have will just have to do for M-Th next week. Then they are out until January 6Th.
So I guess this is our weekend. Hopefully CD isn't sick to much longer. I don't like my wee one lil like this, and apparently the dad dude sucks at nursing. When I got home from school I stopped back in to see what I could go get CD from the store. Sprite & jell-o. But sent dad and you stay. LOL. Okay. So now dad dude is calling non-stop from store and I am home.
Well the laundry & dishes gremlin's have struck again so I am off to tackle them.
I had a root canal fail before. I was pregnant with Maddie and couldn't have anything more than a local anesthetic, though... which sucked. I haven't had any problems since, though, and that was almost 6 years ago.
ugh, the stomach flu is the worse.
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