Thursday, December 11, 2008

Surgery Day

Is here. Finally they have made up their minds what is wrong, and how to fix it. It has been many of weeks of on again, off again, this Dr, that Dr. *sigh*

I am glad they finally picked something. But I am a tad bit worried. I really had not thought much about it, or talked about it really even. It has been such a flip-flop-ity thing I figured it would be postponed or cancelled AGAIN. But here we are.

See ya when I see ya.

Happy Thursday!!!!!


Gary's third pottery blog said...

oh goodness! best wishes!

Amy said...

I'm still not sure what's going on, but good luck.

Yellow Beads said...

I hope all turns out well and the surgery is a success!

Just Me said...

Thanks all. Things went well. Hopefully I will start feeling better soon. Sooner than later thank you much.